| I just completed a transcription of Robert Petrie's 1st tunebook (Scottish,
| 1790), which has parts for violin and cello.  I wrote the code using Phil
| Taylor's BarFly, on which this reads and plays correctly, but it appears
| that a lot of other abc software can't handle the multiple voices.  Below is
| a sample tune; I'd be interested to know what other readers and midi players
| can handle this code, especially any PC software (for reference, the 2nd
| note in the 3rd staff bass line is middle C).  Thanks for any help, or
| suggestions for improving the portability of this code! -Steve

I tried it with the original abc2ps,  Jef  Moine's  abcm2ps,  and  my
jcabc2ps.   They  all  handled it.  The original abc2ps had two minor
problems: It doesn't accept V: lines in  the  header  section,  so  I
moved  them  to after the K: line.  And it can't handle the spaces in
the "name = " term, so I removed them.  The result looked like:

T:Mrs. Farquharson's Jigg or Quick Step
C:Robert Petrie
S:Petrie's Collection of Strathspey Reels and Country Dances &c., 1790
Z:Steve Wyrick <sjwyrick'at'astound'dot'net>, 3/20/04
N:Petrie's First Collection, page 2
V:1 name="violin"
V:2 name="bass" clef=bass middle=d transpose=-24
[V:1] G|(Tc=Bc) GEC|(Tc=Bc) edc|(Tc=Bc) G=A_B| FGE DCB, |
[V:2] z|C3      E3 |  F3    G3 | c3     e3   | d2f b2B  |

This worked without problems in all three abc2ps clones.  There  were
some  warnings about the unrecognized "transpose" term, but that's to
be expected from a program  that  doesn't  produce  pitches,  and  it
didn't  effect  the output at all.  All three programs produced pages
that look identical.

Actually, the original abc2ps doesn't implement the middle= term, and
it gave a warning about that.  But it assumes middle=d for bass clef,
so it worked. Jef and I have both implemented it. Tunes that expect a
different  mapping  than  middle=d for bass come out strange with the
original abc2ps.  Lots and lots of leger lines ...

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