On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:

> On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 09:26, Martin Sevior wrote:
> > Because he did them right away and uploaded them to sourceforge thus
> > saving me lots of time.
> You know perfectly well I won't do that, and I don't think a little
> laziness compensates for all the work done.

You made this illogical decision. No one else did. I certainly don't agree
with it. It's your choice fine. You have to respect my choice too.

If you call being up for 36 hours straight lazy your crazy. I've been
hacking constantly on abiword for 2 whole years. I have done tons of
work for the project. If someone saves me some time by showing me some
consideration then I certainly take them up on it. 

> If that's your problem, I can upload a links.txt file, you donwload it,
> do wget -c -i links.txt and in a matter of time you have all the rpms
> there, thus reducing a lot the amount of work.

To transfer all the rpms from site to another I have to do about 100
megabytes of transfers. That is real time and bandwidth wasted.

> > Why confuse people with two download sites?
> What, providing an alternate site for download is confusing? You really
> lost me on that.

We have a website setup for directing people to the builds of abiword that
best suit their needs. This includes windows and mac users. I would like
as many people as possible to visit our website so that we have a chace to
get a bit more publicity and give them a chance to learn more us. All
simple, sensible marketing.



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