On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 02:02, Martin Sevior wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
> > The problem was that I did a lot of work, and was (now obviously)
> > intentionally ignored without so much as a word.
> What garbage. We talked about this on IRC. I told you exactly what I would
> do.

That's not true. You didn't say anything but suggesting I post on the
gnotices story.
As for 0.99.2 you congratulated me on my work and then completely
ignored me, just as you've ignored me now.

> You've known for *ages* that I don't like doing the savanaagh ->
> sourceforge transfer.

That's also not true. I've known it since you complained in this thread.

> Since Marc had already done the rpm production and
> placed them on sourceforge, why would you even *think* I'd delete them and
> do all the extra work of putting your in their place? I let everyone know
> the state of the binary production during a gruelling 36 hour shift. I
> asummed you made your rpm's for your own personal reasons. Fine.

What I think is that you disregard completely the need for signed
software. I did a MORE COMPLETE set of rpms, AND of SIGNED RPMS.

> We've made it abundantly clear for a long time that we will continue to
> use sourceforge.net

DO NOT try to induce anyone into thinking that I said to abandon
sourceforge towards savannah.

> and there a number of reasons why we would not put an
> alternative download site in the release notes.

Because of a COMPLETE FALSE MOTIVE. Users cannot and will not be
confused because of having an alternative download site. That's complete

> I told you I wouldn't do
> this too.

I... I... I... now I get it. It's not the false motive. Its you. The
false motive is just an excuse, is it? I don't believe in this, let's
become human again, ok?

> Finally I have strong motivation for getting releases done quickly. The
> sooner they are done the sooner I can get to hacking. I have a precious
> amount of time right now where I don't have large teaching duties and I
> want to make the best use of it.

BS. Adding a link for an alternative site for download does not add
extra time. Even less time if you only point to
http://savannah.gnu.org/download/abiword. That way you don't even have
to change that part of the text.

> Sincerely and very annoyed.

You are annoyed? Damn, I am what? Jumping and singing?

Regards, rms

+ No matter how much you do, you never do enough -- unknown
+ Whatever you do will be insignificant,
| but it is very important that you do it -- Ghandi
+ So let's do it...?

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