It would have been cheaper to have paid him to sit on the side of the street 
for the rest of the day.  And my wife just told me that he has not even been 
with us 30 days yet.  I got a creepy feeling about him from the get – go.  Was 
way too familiar with me for my liking.  (I think I will adopt the Ellen rule:  
no eye contact for the first 10 years...)

Another one bites the dust.  I have always said the following about hiring and 
I have (with the exception of one guy) never regretted firing anyone.  Almost 
always have wished I had done it sooner.  

Firing makes your company stronger if done right.  Your coworkers see that you 
are not letting toxic or slacker people continue to be employed.  

From: Adam Moffett 
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT fired a guy

You're not leaving him stranded in the desert, just telling him what time the 
ride is.  My only question would be whether you are required to pay him for the 
time he's just sitting there.  His time isn't really his own at that point. 

As an optics thing it won't play well.   Might have been better to wait until 
the end of the work day.

On 8/19/2020 1:46 PM, wrote:

  My supervisor fired a problem employee at a construction site this morning.  
We have had lots of problems with this guy and I was glad to see him go.  We 
hauled him to the job site and now he wants someone to take him back to our 
office to get his vehicle.  I cannot spare a person or vehicle at that site.  I 
don’t want to send someone special over to that site to haul him.  Both the 
supervisor and I told him he can sit on the side of the street until we are 
done for the day and we will take him back.  

  He has his brother now calling and threatening police action, saying it is 
Utah law that you have to give him a ride.  

  Not sure about that.  If he was not such a dick I would have probably sent 
someone to get him.  I don’t want to do it, I don’t want to send any of the 

  Anyone every heard that you have a legal duty to immediately transport 
someone back to their vehicle if you terminate them?


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