Sometimes, some guys, its just better to have a workplace accident and be
done with it

On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 1:26 PM Robert <> wrote:

> One of the reasons I have always liked companies that start all newbies
> with a trusted(by you) mentor.  That mentor can usually make the call
> within days of the hiring of the value of the newbie.  One week and one
> month review between you and the mentor.   Your choice on disclosure of the
> newbie's status via the mentor at the start.  But formally assigned to the
> mentor upon hiring...
> On 8/19/20 11:20 AM, wrote:
> It would have been cheaper to have paid him to sit on the side of the
> street for the rest of the day.  And my wife just told me that he has not
> even been with us 30 days yet.  I got a creepy feeling about him from the
> get – go.  Was way too familiar with me for my liking.  (I think I will
> adopt the Ellen rule:  no eye contact for the first 10 years...)
> Another one bites the dust.  I have always said the following about hiring
> and firing:
> I have (with the exception of one guy) never regretted firing anyone.
> Almost always have wished I had done it sooner.
> Firing makes your company stronger if done right.  Your coworkers see that
> you are not letting toxic or slacker people continue to be employed.
> *From:* Adam Moffett
> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 19, 2020 11:53 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT fired a guy
> You're not leaving him stranded in the desert, just telling him what time
> the ride is.  My only question would be whether you are required to pay him
> for the time he's just sitting there.  His time isn't really his own at
> that point.
> As an optics thing it won't play well.   Might have been better to wait
> until the end of the work day.
> On 8/19/2020 1:46 PM, wrote:
> My supervisor fired a problem employee at a construction site this
> morning.  We have had lots of problems with this guy and I was glad to see
> him go.  We hauled him to the job site and now he wants someone to take him
> back to our office to get his vehicle.  I cannot spare a person or vehicle
> at that site.  I don’t want to send someone special over to that site to
> haul him.  Both the supervisor and I told him he can sit on the side of the
> street until we are done for the day and we will take him back.
> He has his brother now calling and threatening police action, saying it is
> Utah law that you have to give him a ride.
> Not sure about that.  If he was not such a dick I would have probably sent
> someone to get him.  I don’t want to do it, I don’t want to send any of the
> women.
> Anyone every heard that you have a legal duty to immediately transport
> someone back to their vehicle if you terminate them?
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