You just described most of the labor in the Middle East oil countries.   That's how the countries were built in every aspect and how they continue to work them.

On 8/28/20 1:39 PM, Steve Jones wrote:
I just wish that we would open up our "regulations/laws" to let people have citizenship easier. simpler entry, harsher ejection for fucking up, shorter time to citizenship. Wipe out the masive cost of managing illegal aliens and focus that cash on helping get legal entries onboarded.

But the truth is, most migrant (seasonal migrant)workers dont want citizenship. Lawful migrant workers make bank compared to their nation of origin, even afer paying taxes here they live very well back home, with less nonsense. When I use to work at a motel there was a massive project going on at our landfill, it was leeching into the soil because the liner was improper. So this copmany had a massive work crew of mexicans, even most of the foreman were mexicans, I assume the ownership was other. They were trained spelunkers, which a i ssume they were given a shovel,a rope and instructions not to die under the landfil. they had to dig under the entire landfill and place a liner. The smell alone made it 99 percent non american, These fellas for the most part were awesome guys, had a ton of hand gesture conversations with guys where we both were speaking louder hoping it would make the other guy understand. The fellas that spoke better english flat our said they had no interest in citizenship. They would come work this company a few visa rotations and go back home and live like kings. Starting pay worked out to about 36k and that was 22 years ago, they had no expenses while here. They left before light and came back after dark, so I dont know what the hourly wage worked out to. They didnt seem to care, they all looked at is as an x year time investment (contrary to popular belief among alot of my maga compatriots, mexicans arent dumb ust because we dont speak their language and they smile too much) for a massive long term payout in quality of life. Most mexicans as it turns out arent yearning to be in america, they think we are dicks and they love their nation as much as we love ours, theyre just not raised with every luxury and safety net we are. One of the drawbacks of USMCA is some of the mandatory minimum pay requirements in mexican facilities. Raise mexicos quality of life too high, theyll become assholes like us and we wont have any labor thats worth a shit

On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 3:21 PM Carl Peterson < <>> wrote:

    Improper entry is a misdemeanor.  Being here is not illegal.  INAL
    so don't take my advice and enter improperly.

    On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 3:08 PM <
    <>> wrote:

        I view regulatory infractions different than laws.  I am not
        sure if someone sneaks in and works if that is actually
        breaking the law or violating a regulation.
        Either way it is not in the same class as robbing a bank or
        importing heroin.
        More like jaywalking in my book.  But others believe it is
        more like stealing your boat or shooting you dog or something.
        *From:* Adam Moffett
        *Sent:* Friday, August 28, 2020 1:56 PM
        *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT new hires

        Yeah....there are two separate comments there.

        1) If someone really loses their job to an immigrant, that's
        their own damn fault.
        2) The ones who come illegally do it because there's a market
        for them.

        On 8/28/2020 3:52 PM, Ken Hohhof wrote:

        All good points, except if they are migrant laborers on work
        visas, they aren’t illegal immigrants.

        *From:* AF *On Behalf Of *Adam
        *Sent:* Friday, August 28, 2020 2:23 PM
        *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT new hires

        My mother was a bookkeeper for a good size dairy farm.  I
        don't know what "good size" is in other areas, but here it's
        6 figures of head of cattle, and millions of dollars
        annually.  Every single worker was brought up from central
        america on a work visa.  The farm gave them a trailer to live
        in and paid them $8-something per hour....which at the time
        was 50% above minimum.  The local Caucasians would generally
        not show up sober for that amount of money.

        Closer to the present I was arguing with my brother about
        immigration and specifically "The Wall".

        I cited the economic problems we'd have without the migrant
        labor.  He shouted at me that we should let the free market
        come up with a solution.  I looked at him quizzically and
        said, "Bro....the free market HAS a solution, and it's the
        illegal immigrants."

        On 8/28/2020 12:26 PM, wrote:

            I have been doing this for a long time.  Both
            manufacturing and OSP construction.  The entry level and
            unskilled labor candidates are of general lousy quality
            amongst whites.  All the drama and drug use is with the
            whites.  Hispanics work hard, quick learners, don’t cause
            problems and have far less drug issues.

            I had a white guy get fired a few days ago, (the one that
            we had to take back to the office mid shift), that when
            confronted with chronic absenteeism, not sharing the load
            with coworkers, being confrontational with coworkers etc
            attempted to justify all of this with “well we wouldn’t
            have these problems if you guys bought new equipment”....
            !?!  Right before getting fired his supervisor asked:
            “That vacuum excavator sprays water and sucks mud, how
            would it be any better if it was brand new?”.  The guys
            mumbled something about a lousy company operates lousy
            equipment.  And that our OT is crimping his freedom. 
            Supervisor told him that it was his lucky day.  He was
            about to get a ton of freedom.

            But this is somewhat of a typical thing.  Lazy entitled
            white bums. We have a ton of them around here it seems.

            *From:*Cameron Crum

            *Sent:*Friday, August 28, 2020 10:01 AM

            *To:*AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group

            *Subject:*Re: [AFMUG] OT new hires

            I had a self-identified mexican contractor working on my
            house one time and he told me he only hires other
            mexicans because they are Mexi-CANs not Mexi-CAN'Ts.

            On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 10:39 AM <> wrote:

                I swear, if they were available, my company would be
                100% Hispanic.  Racist or not, white guys are lousy
                employees when compared to Hispanics.

                *From:*Josh Luthman

                *Sent:*Friday, August 28, 2020 9:30 AM

                *To:*AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group

                *Subject:*Re: [AFMUG] OT new hires

                Same here.  He didn't show up, called to see if he
                was OK, he blocked the call and texted back "boss
                gave me more money".

                Well..why look for the other job?

                Josh Luthman
                Office: 937-552-2340
                Direct: 937-552-2343
                1100 Wayne St
                Suite 1337
                Troy, OH 45373

                On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 11:22 AM <> wrote:

                    So we get this guy to do the pre employment
                    assessments. He passes the first interview.
                    Passes the second interview (had to go to two
                    different places for the interviews). Supposed to
                    start today. No-show. Called him to see if he is
                    OK he hangs up on us.

                    Sad to say, this is the norm.  Out of 100
                    applications, 10 will actually agree to an
                    interview. Maybe 3 will show up.  We will hire 1
                    and he will not show up or last out the week. 
                    Indeed works pretty good to find people and I am
                    paying for it, but wow. Go to all the effort of
                    interviewing, we do a background check now for
                    driving problems, and then a no show.  I don’t
                    understand people.

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