I really haven't seen these issues. I would say its more likely if you don't beat them and expect them to do more than they can they will work for you well. If you try to beat them in to submission they will just fall over and play dead.

On 12/21/2020 10:36 AM, fiber...@mail.com wrote:
Reading this thread is like listening to somebody in an abusive relationship: "... 
if I treat him right, he won't hit me. The problem is just that I can't figure out that 
sets him off..."
You know what the solution to that problem is.

Sent: Monday, December 21, 2020
From: "Colin Stanners" <cstann...@gmail.com>
To: "AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group" <af@af.afmug.com>
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Mikrotik 1072 Frustrations

This last year, I've seen a MikroTik CCR1072 switch from long being rock-solid to 
now having occasional random reboots (from watchdog) or 100% CPU usage, which 
strangles the BGP process. In the latter case, tools->profile would show the 
firewall taking 100% of CPU, even after temporarily disabling all firewall filter 
and NAT rules and connection tracking. Not fun.
MT tech support did not seem super helpful or interested, mostly recommending to disable watchdog (unacceptable on a production router) or to upgrade firmware (without specifying the suspected cause of the problem or nature of the fix). Tried 1 update, that didn't seem to help, have now tried another...

On Sun, Dec 20, 2020, 11:38 PM Steven Kenney 
<st...@wavedirect.org[mailto:st...@wavedirect.org]> wrote:

MIkrotik has been rock solid for me for years.  Until this year and the 1072's. 
 Random reboots set off by watchdog timer on all of my 1072's.  Some more than 
others.  Threads in the forum all discuss the same problem exactly.  Its a 
connection tracking issue.. however I need connection tracking on one 
particular router.  I've adjusted everything I could.  Firmware and board 
firmware all up to date etc.  Happens randomly with low levels of traffic,  
high levels of traffic,  sometimes a couple times a day,  sometimes weeks.  No 
DDOS evidence at all from upstream routers.  Configs checked and rechecked by 
third party experts.  I graph everything about the Mikrotik and there are no 
clues or anything abnormal happening before the crash.  Plenty of memory, disk 
space,  CPU etc.    Replaces all the trannies, power cables and such.  Not 
running BGP only OSPF on the one that is giving me the most trouble.
Even have a serial console cable plugged into them to my opengear and set it to log pretty much everything to console including the kernel and nothing.  A hard freeze. Then there is Mikrotik support...  I've never needed their support before until now.  So I put a ticket in and the shitty attitude I'm getting from them seems like they KNOW there is something wrong with the hardware and they are intentionally not being helpful.  It is pretty clear to see with all the people reporting this issue that there IS an issue. If this is any indication of how things are going to go with Mikrotik on the newer hardware going forware I think its time to jump to an enterprise level system.  Juniper most likely.  Shame because they are just about keeping up with the demands with their hardware.  Getting closer to 100Gbps etc and ROS7 ... but at their current pace I think we've outgrew them. All the threads discussing this issue has been absolutely quiet when it comes to Mikrotik jumping in to mention or try to help troubleshoot.  I think they know they had bad hardware out there and do not want to honor warranties.  I've heard rumors of bad batches of 1072's. Anyone else encounter this? [https://www.wavedirect.net/]
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