I archive my emails once a year into a folder named for the year.  
Has been invaluable hundreds of times.  I almost never delete a real email.  

From: Steve Jones 
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2023 9:34 AM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] It has begun

Delete messages? Are you one of those weirdos with a tidy email box? 

On Sat, Mar 25, 2023, 3:34 PM Craig House <cr...@totalhighspeed.net> wrote:

  I'm here for the help I get from WISP guys and to give help if I can.  I 
couldn't care less about your or anyone that opposes your views political 
opinion.  If I want that I will go to social media.  If you cant be civil to 
those that disagree with you your no better than the hate you espouse the other 
side is full of.   I dont need to come here for that divisiveness.  If all I'm 
doing is deleting messages then I dont see the point in being here to search 
through the garbage for valuable insights.  Please know when to stop (usually 
after 4-5 others ask you nicely to)


  From: "Jan-GAMs" <j.vank...@grnacres.net>
  To: "AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group" <af@af.afmug.com>
  Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2023 2:37:42 PM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] It has begun

  Darin, the real challenge is the station the right-wingers watch.  FOX.  
Documented liars, well documented liars.  They make shit up and present it as 
fact.  This has been admitted to by their owner Murdock.  They make up news 
just to drive their advertisement income.  Why the hell should anyone watch 
that channel is beyond belief.  The problem is, this has been a known factoid 
for years, FOX makes shit up and presents it as news.  Until Congress makes 
laws concerning what a so-called "NEWS" channel can present as truth and still 
have a license to broadcast, I'm never going to trust any "NEWS" source.  
Especially FOX.  Reagan did away with the "Fairness Doctrine" back in the 
'80's, which more or less ended news reporting facts and brought in news 
reporting as hype.  Facts and news have been at odds since Roger Ailes left the 
Nixon WH and started up FOX news.  Real news may never recover.

  On 3/25/23 11:02, Darin Steffl wrote:

    Evan and others, 

    You guys really are delusional if you don't see what the Republicans are 
doing to strip away rights. At least call them out if you're going to vote 
their way.

    Everything I shared were statements of fact easily verified with a Google 
search with reputable sources.

    It's sad that I can share facts and then some want to shut down the 
conversation. Is that because you don't want to be wrong or don't think you're 
associated with people who hold more extreme views than you?

    I'm asking you not to be complicit in the hate that's in the republican 
party. Speak out and tell your representatives to stop attacking people. Be 
kind and empathetic.

    Evan, why are you worried about me for calling out hateful people? I'm 
worried for you if you think that's wrong for me to do. You should be against 
all the attacks on human rights too. I believe you and your wife, Sandra, to be 
good people. But there are some on the right who would tell your wife to go 
back to her country because they're xenophobic and racist. Wouldn't that bother 
you if someone said that to your wife?

    Call out the bad that any party partakes in. During the Floyd riots, I 
didn't agree with any violence or destruction of property and I'm in full 
support of people being arrested who committed crimes. Same with the people on 
January 6. But why does the right think January 6 was a peaceful tour and no 
one should be arrested? It's hypocritical.

    Same with law enforcement. We shouldn't support any profession 
unconditionally. That's dangerous. I support good cops but think we should hold 
bad ones accountable. This is all common sense stuff but the right thinks all 
cops are good which is false. There's bad people in every profession so let's 
weed them out. I have some sick friends and family that think the murder of 
George Floyd was justified, even after watching the full video of him being 
suffocated!! Sick people with sick minds.

    The rest of the world watches our country with disgust that half the people 
hate themselves and their country so much that they continue to vote 
republican. The new republican party is far more different and extreme than the 
old one, which was somewhat reasonable and bipartisan.

    There is no question that democrats are better for all people in terms of 
human rights, equality, and protections against employers and corporations. 
They pass more bills to protect people, the environment, and the world than the 
right. That does NOT mean the party is perfect and that there aren't shady 
politicians on both sides. It all comes back to calling out the bad things 
either party tries to do so we end up in the middle.

    Being in the middle, centrist, should not be an extreme view. The facts and 
opinions I shared are centrist views so if you think I'm crazy or you're 
offended, it's likely that your views are more extreme than you think. I could 
list more than enough Democrat ideas I don't agree with and just as many fiscal 
republican ideas I do agree with.

    On Sat, Mar 25, 2023, 12:03 PM Robert <i...@avantwireless.com> wrote:

      What we have here is a failure to communicate.   I may sound like a c 
theorist but what we have is two oligarchical factions that are fighting for 
control of an electoral mass of minds and using all the propaganda tools to 
manage that.   The Monster money from both "factions" (because they aren't 
really one side so much or the other) is just used to manage the political 
resources.  It's all about maintaining their wealth.  Evidence of this is 
overwhelming when you look at the tax votes.  The dems made noise about the 
reduction in wealth taxes but didn't _actually_ do anything about it.  And 
Bidens announcements about tax the rich are posturing, not a snowballs chance 
in hell of going anywhere..  Right side is about keeping the worker bees 
slaving away with promises of easier ways to wealth and fear mongering, Left is 
about keeping the worker bees hoping for better care and fear mongering...

      On 3/25/23 9:42 AM, Steve Jones wrote:

        nail on the head

        On Sat, Mar 25, 2023 at 11:38 AM Mike Hammett <af...@ics-il.net> wrote:

          The problem is not left vs. right, it's authortarianism vs. liberty. 

          Authoritarian left and authoritarian right are equally bad.

          Mike Hammett
          Intelligent Computing Solutions

          Midwest Internet Exchange

          The Brothers WISP


          From: "Darin Steffl" <darin.ste...@mnwifi.com>
          To: "Mike Hammett" <af...@ics-il.net>
          Cc: "AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group" <af@af.afmug.com>
          Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2023 10:35:43 AM
          Subject: Re: [AFMUG] It has begun

          So Mike, 

          You're saying the far right is better with your "no" response?

          The far right includes nazis, racists, homophobes who all want to use 
violence to kill jews, people of color, gay and trans people, liberals, and 

          I don't know how you can seriously sit here and say that's better 
than the non-violent things the far left wants to do. Antifa isn't even real so 
don't bring in fake news. What's real are the people who stormed the Capitol, 
proud boys, and lots of violent people who came out of the woodwork after trump 
was elected.

          I'm still in the middle overall but I will always vote for human 
rights and protections before I vote to benefit myself fiscally. I'm not a 
single issue voter so I don't only vote on tax issues. I vote for people who 
protect people and that's overwhelmingly democrats. Moderate ones are my 

          I've never voted for Bernie but he's still a good guy who cares. 
Biden wasn't my choice but he's way better than trump. I wanted Amy Klobuchar 
or Pete Buttigieg personally. I think Pete will be president sometime in the 
next 3 elections.

          Oh, the other thing that came of trump are some extremists in 
congress being elected in 2022. They were a result of trump crying the 2020 
election was stolen and he riled up the base to give him money, stealing from 
his supporters. And the most crazy ones ran and won in some cases. So now 
there's some nut jobs in congress, more than the old ones who won't retire.

          Then more far right supporters started infiltrating school boards and 
city councils to white wash history. They want to ban anything that teaches 
real history because they don't want their kids to know about slavery and 
racism, native Americans. They want to teach kids that white man discovered 
America first lol.

          And now they're trying to ban books in schools and public libraries 
that they don't like. Books that show a kid having two moms or dads for 
example. They don't wany any pride flags, pins, or stickers anywhere in school 
because they somehow think that will make a kid gay. They act like you aren't 
born straight, gay, bi and that it's actually a choice ha.

          And don't get me started on them trying force their religious beliefs 
on everyone else. And now their target is trans people and drag queens to 
"protect the kids" while they take their kid to Hooters, or worse, church where 
there's an infinitely higher chance of being sexually assaulted by a pastor, 
staff, or volunteer. There isn't a single case of a drag queen being charged 
with SA but there's thousands of church people that have been charged and tens 
of thousands never charged because it's swept under the rug. 

          The right is actively stripping away rights of Americans and getting 
away with it in many red states. Abortion too. Way to control women you sick 
republican men!

          Over 385 anti-lgbt bills have been proposed at the state level. And 
who proposed them? All Republicans. You can't say with a straight face that 
they care about anyone. There's no empathy. Just hate and fear of those 
different from them. I've watched fox and it's nothing but fear mongering to 
rile up their base and keep they eyeballs glued to their channel. They scare 
their viewers everyday and it's always a "war on something" with them.

          While I agree with some fiscal ideas Republicans have, they will 
never get my vote as long as they hate America and it's people. Gen Z will 
completely annihilate their party and they're likely going to lose every 
election going forward if they don't pivot immediately. They'll only win state 
and local elections in rural areas where there's a bunch of red voters who 
continue to vote against themselves.


          On Sat, Mar 25, 2023, 9:32 AM Mike Hammett <af...@ics-il.net> wrote:

            I wish AFMUG would stop going political. It really serves no 

            Mike Hammett
            Intelligent Computing Solutions

            Midwest Internet Exchange

            The Brothers WISP


            From: "Adam Moffett" <dmmoff...@gmail.com>
            To: "AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group" <af@af.afmug.com>, "Darin 
Steffl" <darin.ste...@mnwifi.com>
            Sent: Friday, March 24, 2023 5:18:36 PM
            Subject: Re: [AFMUG] It has begun

            Why are we going down this road again?

            Get Outlook for iOS


            From: AF <af-boun...@af.afmug.com> on behalf of Chuck McCown via AF 
            Sent: Friday, March 24, 2023 6:14:09 PM
            To: Darin Steffl <darin.ste...@mnwifi.com>; AnimalFarm Microwave 
Users Group <af@af.afmug.com>
            Cc: Chuck McCown <ch...@go-mtc.com>
            Subject: Re: [AFMUG] It has begun 

            Karl Marx

            Pretty sure those dudes were far worst than Trump
            Even Castro
            Kim Jong Un

            Seriously you thing the far left are better?  

            From: Darin Steffl 
            Sent: Friday, March 24, 2023 3:54 PM
            To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
            Cc: Chuck McCown 
            Subject: Re: [AFMUG] It has begun

            The extreme left is still better than the extreme right. 

            I don't agree with either sides' extremes but if I had to pick one 
side, everyone being taken care of, like socialism, I'd pick that over the 
extreme right who wants to murder anyone different than them. Like far right 
pastors and supporters who call for violence and murder of gay people, people 
of color, and liberals. I can find thousands of posts and video from 
Republicans calling for sick things but very few liberals saying the same 

            I don't see far left people calling for violence and murder of 
people they disagree with.

            So while there are two sides, one side is better than the other, as 
in less violent and extreme.

            I'd take free college for all, free Healthcare, and more from the 
extreme left over the extreme right who wants to ban books, kill people they 
disagree with, try to overturn elections, cheat, lie, steal, etc. Again, the 
left is the better choice when it comes to empathy and taking care of people. 

            While an average republican might not agree with the far right, 
their silence is the same as being complicit in their sick beliefs.

            At least an average Democrat calls out the far left people like I 
do. I don't agree in wiping out all student loans, for example. And I've 
contacted democrats I've voted for to voice my opinions.

            I don't see Republicans calling out far right politicians who are 
spewing hate everyday. I wish they would but since they aren't, I assume they 
agree with the hate speech and calls for violence.

            The right is far sicker than the left in every regard. Donald being 
elected over Hillary will go down in history as one of the worst political 
events in our country. We would be a much nicer and stable country if Hillary 
won. The racists, bigots, and violent people would mostly be hiding still but 
Donald gave them permission to act out their hate when he was elected. It's 
very sad.

            People who still support Donald are bullies and hate America at 
this point.

            On Fri, Mar 24, 2023, 4:37 PM Chuck McCown via AF <af@af.afmug.com> 

              You called me the C word...

              From: Robert 
              Sent: Friday, March 24, 2023 3:32 PM
              To: af@af.afmug.com 
              Subject: Re: [AFMUG] It has begun

              exactly this...  What I have learned is there is such a thing as 
a good cult, which is what I consider the Mormon church to be.  They have a few 
extreme points of view but on the whole they treat everyone ( now including 
other races ) reasonably...   And they care about kids and back it up.

              On 3/24/23 2:12 PM, Chuck McCown via AF wrote:

                I loved what the Gov of Utah told a bunch of school kids 

                “Republicans are wrong about Democrats and Democrats are wrong 
about Republicans. Why? Here’s why — because, what we’re doing now is we’re 
only listening to the most extreme voices in those parties. So Republicans are 
only listening to the craziest Democrats and assuming that all Democrats are 
like that. Democrats are only listening to the craziest Republicans and 
assuming all Republicans are like that. When the difference between the average 
Democrat and the average Republican, really isn’t that big.” 

                From: Mike Hammett 
                Sent: Friday, March 24, 2023 12:37 PM
                To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
                Subject: Re: [AFMUG] It has begun

                There's no meaningful difference between authoritarian left and 
authoritarian right, which are what catch the most attention.

                Mike Hammett
                Intelligent Computing Solutions

                Midwest Internet Exchange

                The Brothers WISP


                From: "Darin Steffl" mailto:darin.ste...@mnwifi.com
                To: "AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group" mailto:af@af.afmug.com
                Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2023 9:40:58 PM
                Subject: Re: [AFMUG] It has begun

                To be fair, anything left leaning is better for humanity. The 
right doesn't seem to care about anyone different than them. There's very 
little empathy from the right so if AI is here, it's best that it cares about 
all people in the information it provides. 

                Don't bite my head off. I'm socially liberal and fiscally 
conservative. I care about all people, even if I don't like them.

                On Thu, Mar 23, 2023, 6:25 PM Steve Jones 
<thatoneguyst...@gmail.com> wrote:


                  I have to admit, Ive been using the shit out of chatgpt, from 
writing configs, to search engine replacement that actually answers questions, 
and just general fuckery to see what I can get it to do. It wont kill engineers 
or turn off exhaust systems in the building if you were curious. It does have a 
massive left leaning political bias.

                  But some of the stuff it couldnt do because it wasnt 
connected to the internet, so now ill be back at it. I hope i can get it to do 
some wargames stuff.


                  would you like to play a game

                  Sure, I would love to play a game with you! What game would 
you like to play?

                  global thermo nuclear warfare

                  I'm sorry, but I cannot play a game of global thermonuclear 
warfare with you as it is not a real game, but rather a fictional concept 
popularized by the 1983 film "WarGames." Additionally, it is not appropriate to 
simulate a scenario involving nuclear weapons as it could be potentially 
harmful and insensitive to those affected by nuclear weapons in the past. Is 
there another game you would like to play instead?''

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