Librenms is the easiest NMS to set up, its a pita to add OIDs to it outside
the learning curve. SNMPc from castlerock was the best for responsive snmp
monitoring, could execute all kinds of stuff based on snmpc conditions, the
dude could probably be set up somewhat similar. I despise
proprietary monitoring from vendors device families because they end
support on long life products. NMS snmp monitoring is my
preferred solution, only one communications channel to ensure it is
functioning properly and only one alert channel to maintain. Every time I
come across something proprietary i try to tell it to get off my lawn

site monitors are good contact monitors, simple, but the oid structure is a
little archaic since you have to add the index for each module, but
theyre like a fat girl, ugly but reliable as hell and always there at
dinnertime. We used to use the site monitor input 2 to monitor for voltage.
had power supply that was generator only, so we would get an alert when it
ran the monthly test and put power to that input and when sites would lose
power and go on generator.

On Wed, May 8, 2024 at 1:45 PM Chuck McCown via AF <> wrote:

> We are needing to add some monitoring of old fashioned alarm contacts in
> one of our sites.  In the past I used Netguardians.  Not sure what Forrest
> has.
> Is SNMP still the defacto NMS comm method or are there better more modern
> stuff out there we should be looking at?
> Best Regards,
> Chuck McCown
> McCown Technology Corporation
> 8401 N Commerce Dr
> Lake Point, Utah 84074
> 801-250-9503 Office
> 435-830-4306 Cell
> --
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