Well said.

Can I borrow your hat?

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: That One Guy via Af 
  To: af@afmug.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 11:55 AM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

  is the 3% on income tax for this years income or next years income, and is it 
part of the current standard withholding?

  As bad as this is, and as bad as it is going to get, it needed to happen. Not 
because it was a good idea, but because it was inevitable. It needed to make 
its way through and fail otherwise it would delay other action every four 
years. Its like the knife in your leg, youre eventually going to have to pull 
it out, otherwise its going to continue stoping you from doing anything, theres 
a real risk you will bleed out, theres also a chanche it can heal, but it never 
will heal while its in there.

  I wish the douchebag republican side would have at least helped guide it into 
something less damaging instead of laying on the floor throwing a temper 
tantrum like a 2 year old child. With them having refused to have anything to 
do with it and throwing wrenches every step of the way it only guarantees that 
when this revision failed there will be an affordable care act 2.0 pushed 
through by the left again, excuse being the aforementioned sissyfits. Hopefully 
the right will not kill more Americans that time around too.

  there are going to be alot of older folks whos health wont have time to 
recover from the implications of no affordable healthcare, and that really 
sucks, but im banking on being able to get my kids through this disaster alive 
and them seeing a functional healthcare system of some sort.

  The middle aged are going to totally drain the system, their pockets are 
going to be empty on the premiums, so they wont seek healthcare because of the 
deductibles, there are going to be long term costs associated with that, but I 
think the left is confident a good number of them will die too. (tin foil hat 
on) there is a real possibility that there is a reason the illegal immigrans 
are being dispersed throughout the country so abruptly and the whole ebola 
thing isnt being taken seriously. A pandemic resulting in mass deaths 
eliminates a good share of the associated cost of maintaining a population. 
Ebola and Magic Johnson have proven without a doubt that the right amount of 
dollars can keep anybody healthy, so really the population loss isnt going to 
be the ones that matter. (tin foil hat off)

  On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 11:33 AM, Chuck McCown via Af <af@afmug.com> wrote:

    Not sure they do all states, but if not they can point you in the right 
    Grant North
    Tall Tree Administrators
    (801) 274-8100

    Generally the stop loss insurance policy would kick in over $40K.  There 
are higher policies out there but you will frequently have one a year or one 
every other year that will hit the limit.

    You can pick and choose exactly what you cover and what you don’t.
    You can educate your employees as to the fact that when they go to the 
doctor, it comes out of your wallet so please think twice.

    Employees get a regular insurance card.  You get to pick co-pay, and 
deductibles etc.  It is form fit and function equivalent to regular insurance 
from the employees point of view.

    From: Mark Radabaugh via Af
    Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:22 AM
    To: af@afmug.com
    Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

    Send me the info.   With 16+ employees and a 10-12k/month insurance bill, 
it's past time to do something different.


    On 10/8/14, 12:06 PM, Chuck McCown via Af wrote:

    Anyone with 10 employees or more should be self insured.  It saves you 
30-50%.  I can put you in touch with a third party administrator that will take 
over all the administrative tasks as well as beating down the health care 
providers on costs and providing a catastrophic stop loss policy.

    -- Mark Radabaugh Amplex m...@amplex.net 419.837.5015 x 1021 


  All parts should go together without forcing. You must remember that the 
parts you are reassembling were disassembled by you. Therefore, if you can't 
get them together again, there must be a reason. By all means, do not use a 
hammer. -- IBM maintenance manual, 1925

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