We still use a the carbon copy forms.. No hardware .
The cost of printing (ink) is approx .25 - .75 cents a print or more depending on usage. The carbon prints from a professional printing company runs us about 120 bucks for a full CASE of triple copy contracts ready to sign.
 I say the writing is on the wall :)

On 10/29/2014 11:43 AM, Ben Royer via Af wrote:
Quick poll question... For those of you still using paper in the field for your technicians to have customers sign, do you use printers in the vehicles? If yes to that question, which printer do you recommend? We use a basic HP Deskjet scanner/copier/printer, so the client can sign the paperwork and then we can make a copy for them in the field. However, they are not very durable to the every day use of our field techs. I’ve even had them brought in because they are jammed and we find things like a mustard packet inside them. Now, the obvious go paperless argument is null at this point as we are putting a plan in place to get there someday, but until then, what would you all recommend for paperwork printing in the field?
Thank you,
Ben Royer, Operations Supervisor
Royell Communications, Inc.
217-965-3699 www.royell.net

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