He bowhunts and cleans his game. Likes guns, generally.
On Mar 13, 2016 5:19 PM, "Chuck McCown" <ch...@wbmfg.com> wrote:

> These are bad things???
> I don’t care about Gays one way or the other.  Sick of the subject.  Live
> and let live.
> I don’t support abortion.  I believe it is murdering a baby.  I understand
> others think it is cluster of non sentient cells...
> I don’t want corporate taxes just get passed along to customers.  I don’t
> see this as a solution.
> I don’t support more sentencing and prosecution of anyone.  That does not
> seem to help.
> I would drill the bejesus out of ANWR.
> I love my tax credits on my renewable energy.
> 4 weeks of leave ... meh... I guess if you are a guvmnt worker OK, just
> don’t force me to grant the same thing.
> Patriot act does not bug me. (pun intended)
> I don’t care if you tap my phones, I don’t say anything worth listening.
> Child healthcare and healthcare in general should be single payer
> socialism in my opinion.
> No fence, more worker visa initiatives.
> I wouldn’t report or deport illegals either.
> So, what does that make me?
> (What is his stance on gun control?)
> *From:* Josh Reynolds <j...@kyneticwifi.com>
> *Sent:* Sunday, March 13, 2016 4:02 PM
> *To:* af@afmug.com
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Paul Ryan
> His stances:
> Gay marriage is wrong
> He doesn't support adoption for a gay couple
> Defund planned parenthood
> Raising corporate tax is bad
> Voted yes for more sentencing and prosecution for juveniles.
> Wants to drill in ANWR
> Voted no on tax credits for renewable energy.
> Voted no on 4 weeks paid parental leave for federal employees.
> Votes for PATRIOT act over and over
> Voted to allow warantless electronic surveillance against us citizens
> Denied additional funding that would provide expanded child healthcare
> "Let's build a fence!"
> Voted NO on reporting / deporting illegal immigrants who received hospital
> treatment
> Etc. A few things I like him on, but mostly he's a "nope" for me.
> On Mar 13, 2016 4:46 PM, "Ken Hohhof" <af...@kwisp.com> wrote:
>> Hey, I said I liked him.  Just not full on man crush.
>> I didn’t see how his math added up for the budgets he proposed.  There
>> were some missing pages where magic happened to balance the budget.  Seemed
>> like the same old voodoo economics.
>> So “man crush”, is that like Trump and Putin?  At least Putin is
>> supposedly an 8th degree black belt.  He would probably take care of the
>> protester himself.  If Trump thinks he can bully the Putins of the world,
>> I’m not so sure.  I think McCain could take him in a fair fight.  Hell,
>> Bernie could probably take him.  I was never fond of Nixon, but the photo
>> of the “kitchen debate” with Khrushchev is a treasure.
>> http://spectator.org/articles/41740/how-handle-bully-nixon-vs-khrushchev
>> *From:* CBB - Jay Fuller <par...@cyberbroadband.net>
>> *Sent:* Sunday, March 13, 2016 4:19 PM
>> *To:* af@afmug.com
>> *Subject:* [AFMUG] Paul Ryan
>> I have actually followed Paul Ryan since the first time he appeared on
>> the national stage.  Very impressed with him.  Could almost call him my
>> "man crush".   I'd be interested in hearing what you do not like about him
>> Ken.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* Ken Hohhof <af...@kwisp.com>
>> *To:* af@afmug.com
>> *Sent:* Sunday, March 13, 2016 2:04 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Donald Trump's Supporters Love Him Even More
>> AfterChicago Violence
>> I think the "establishment" is missing why people are fed up with them,
>> I'm
>> not convinced it's about left or right.  If I had to single out one
>> person
>> as the poster boy for why the establishment has failed us, it would be
>> Mitch
>> McConnell.  All 4 leaders in Congress have only been worried about their
>> own
>> power and re-election, but McConnell is the worst of a bad bunch.
>> I don't agree with Paul Ryan's economics or some of his politics, but I
>> like
>> what he has said since being elected Speaker.  I would like to see if
>> they
>> are just words, or if he would translate them into actions.  I don't
>> think
>> we will get to find out, election politics seem to have rendered him
>> irrelevant.  And Mitch the Turtle would have to be replaced with someone
>> actually interested in governing.  I wonder what conservative goals could
>> have been accomplished in the 7 years Mitch has spent trying to make
>> Obama
>> fail no matter how much damage it causes.  Tort reform?  Modifications to
>> Obamacare?  Fix sequestration?  Tax reform?  Immigration reform?  Mitch
>> doesn't care.  Mitch cares about Mitch.  That's the problem with the
>> establishment, they spend all their effort on getting elected and staying
>> in
>> power, they don't even pretend to do their job.  And let me be clear, I'm
>> not saying Pelosi, Reid and Boehner were much better, it's just McConnell
>> is
>> the most blatant hack of the bunch, every time I see him on TV I feel he
>> is
>> giving me the finger.
>> I am probably fooling myself that Paul Ryan would be different, but I
>> don't
>> think we'll find out.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Bill Prince
>> Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2016 1:40 PM
>> To: af@afmug.com
>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Donald Trump's Supporters Love Him Even More
>> After
>> Chicago Violence
>> IMO, Obama moved right, and the Republicans moved further to the right.
>> bp
>> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
>> On 3/13/2016 6:01 AM, Lewis Bergman wrote:
>> > Obama moved right as much as the Republicans moved left. Everybody's
>> idea
>> > of compromise these days is you come to where I am and I'll make a deal.

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