You are aware that Obama gutted that legislation illegally?


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Ken Hohhof
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2016 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Anti-immigration - Puck 1893

You are aware there was a welfare reform act passed in 1996?

From: Rory Conaway<>
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2016 11:13 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Anti-immigration - Puck 1893

I was specific Ken, “welfare”.  If I meant to say Social Security, I would have 
said that but I was in a hurry.  However, I would also add, unemployment as a 
huge, anyone that mysteriously became disabled when their unemployment ran out, 
and anyone getting any kind of public assistance. If you are working and can’t 
make ends meet, fine then that needs to be reviewed.  If you aren’t working but 
can and aren’t looking for a job, then you do public works, work on a farm, or 
you lose your benefits.  And mandatory drug testing for ANYONE getting a single 
penny of taxpayer dollars.


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Ken Hohhof
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2016 8:56 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Anti-immigration - Puck 1893

You need to not use the term “welfare check” and be specific what type of 
government assistance you are talking about.  Unemployment insurance?  Social 
Security?  Medicare/Medicaid?  SNAP?  Housing assistance?  Earned income tax 
credit?  Lifeline?  The answer depends on what kind of assistance you are 
talking about.

As an employer who pays into unemployment insurance, I don’t like the guys I 
see at home playing video games and collecting unemployment insurance who could 
be out working.

And I heard a report once on something like 60 Minutes that disability fraud is 
rampant, with crooked lawyers specializing in submitting the fraudulent 

But I believe most SNAP cards actually go to working parents with minimum wage 
jobs, sometimes more than one job.

My sister with MS needs her Social Security Disability check, she wouldn’t be 
much use on a farm.

So it all depends.

It also depends on the type of farm work.  In the southwest, they need seasonal 
workers to pick crops.  By me there are the pig farms that hire a lot of 
Hispanic workers, it’s not a very attractive job, but it’s not seasonal.  At 
least some of the worst jobs are being automated.  I saw an article that they 
are developing robots to do slaughterhouse work, cutting up the carcasses.  I 
don’t wish that job even on illegal immigrants.

From: Josh Reynolds<>
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2016 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Anti-immigration - Puck 1893

That's a tough one.

On one hand, with the government already giving out welfare checks that could 
help with labor costs on small and medium farms - work the farm, get a check. 
So, what's to encourage a farmer to pay more than minimum wage (discouraging 
potential applicants internationally) if he can just tell the Fed "send me 

I also personally know cases of very good high level workers in various 
industries who had problems for over a year finding a job - but once they 
finally did after hundreds of applications, they were back to making six 
figures or higher. It's hard to work somewhere for 20 years or more and retire 
there unless in government or state work.

Decent idea, but it would need some controls in place so it doesn't cause 
inadvertent issues.

On Mar 13, 2016 9:26 PM, "Rory Conaway" 
<<>> wrote:
I got to thinking about the labor issue with the farms.  I’m having a hard time 
understanding how we can have tens of millions of people on government 
assistance and we can’t find farm workers.  I’d like to make working on farms 
or other businesses being a requirement for a welfare check.


From: Af [<>] On Behalf 
Of Josh Reynolds
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2016 7:09 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Anti-immigration - Puck 1893

Some are here for jobs, some are here to escape massive corruption and drug 
cartels. These are jobs that most American's don't want to do - either the work 
is "too hard" or pay "too low" - which really the latter is true. I came from a 
farm community (Kentucky Tobacco) and have seen how hard they work. Many have 
two or three jobs, and they share a trailer and a truck. They take shifts 
sleeping on the available beds, and send most of their checks home to their 
families to take care of them. Some save to bring their families here. Very few 
of these workers were paid minimum wage, but they were often given a trailer to 
stay in (for the group). Rows and rows of trailers per farm.

You deport these guys, American agriculture will suffer. The farm subsidies get 
sucked up by the conglomerates, and the regular guys get very little.

The drug demand has nothing to do with illegal or legal. Have you ever done any 
drugs? Ever? My guess is no, but I've been wrong before - ask my wife! Drugs 
are an escape, a booster, and the harder ones are ruthlessly addictive, both 
physically and psychologically. Just once or twice is enough to make it very 
difficult if not impossible to overcome by yourself, if ever. And they are SO 
CHEAP (meth, heroin).
On Mar 13, 2016 8:49 PM, "Lewis Bergman" 
<<>> wrote:

Really, you think we would have massive illegal immigration if we had no jobs 
being offered then?
You also believe that if nobody demanded drugs there would be people killing 
each other to get it here?
We can disagree on if punishing a drug user is either right it would make any 
difference on then wanting the drug. But you surely cannot argue that it is 
demand that drives the supply, not the other way around.
My point is just that the demand for cheap labor and the willingness to break 
the law to get it drives illegal immigration. I think you are letting your 
desire for penalty fee drug use get in the way of your judgement.
OK, I made that last part up but you really don't understand the basics of 
supply and demand?

On Sun, Mar 13, 2016, 8:08 PM Josh Reynolds 
<<>> wrote:


Legal or illegal, has nothing to do with drugs. If people want to do something 
they will.
On Mar 13, 2016 7:28 PM, "Jerry Head" 
<<>> wrote:
" Kind of like the drug problem. As long as you don't penalize the user you get 
increasing demand."

This has got to be one of the most ignorant comments I have ever seen on this 

On 3/13/2016 6:35 PM, Lewis Bergman wrote:

I agree with that. Kind of like the drug problem. As long as you don't penalize 
the user you get increasing demand. If you don't punish the employer you get 
increasing demand.

On Sun, Mar 13, 2016, 2:56 PM Jaime Solorza 
<<>> wrote:

Far less than many believe.... you need documentation which of course can be 
faked...but percentage wise more welfare in southern states.  Most undocumented 
workers fend for themselves holding two or three shit jobs no one wants.   See 
who is working on highways late at night or in hot sun in Texas...a white 
foreman and ton of Hispanics.... I have travelled just about every rode in 
Texas.... go to Chile harvests in Hatch,NM.  Like I demand,  no 
supply.... simple Adam Smith theory in action.
On Mar 13, 2016 1:06 PM, "Lewis Bergman" 
<<>> wrote:

Immigration should have been unfettered in 1893 because there was no welfare 
state in existence then. The combination of unrestricted immigration and a 
comprehensive welfare system has the potential to bankrupt the U.S. I have no 
idea if immigrants make up a larger part of the welfare system than any other, 
just that the potential is there.

On Sun, Mar 13, 2016, 11:35 AM Chuck McCown 
<<>> wrote:

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