Your response indicates part of the issue. We have such an extensive
welfare state it is difficult to even name all of them.

> But I believe most SNAP cards actually go to working parents with minimum
> wage jobs, sometimes more than one job.
I realize it is anecdotal  but I rode with a tow truck driver a few years
ago. He obviously was not in the upper crust of society. I don't know how
we got on the subject but he said "I was standing at the meat counter
trying to decide if I would by 5 pounds of hamburger or a steak since I
couldn't afford both. A young lady strolled up with two carts already
pretty full and threw in nearly every steak in her cart along with a bunch
of other meat. When I checked out she was in front of me with two full
carts and she whipped out her SNAP card. So I have to  work my ass off to
have to make tough choices and she gets to sit at home and do nothing and I
have to pay for her to do it? That is not fair."

Not that many don't need the SNAP card, but dang. The disability thing
really ticks me off because as people were cut off welfare there has been a
corresponding rise in disability claims and payments. That is just wrong.
There are many that truly need that disability, including vets, that won't
get it because some just refuse to work.

I will say that when I was in the military and had a child, my wife applied
and received WIC. I think it was $85 a month. That was just enough to feed
our daughter the first 6 months of her life. We couldn't afford meat but it
did get us over the hump.

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