No fraud? Last year some lady was convicted of voting three times. So while
little is likely very true, no fraud is absolutely not true. This is the
only one I remember that got big press but I doubt it is the only one.
Statistically, if that is what you meant, then I would agree that thee
isn't enough to sway an election.

On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 11:45 AM Sean Heskett <> wrote:

> We've been voting for 250 years without theses laws and there has been
> little to no fraud in person voter fraud.  After Obama won all the
> conservatives enacted voter ID laws that suppress...wait for it...the
> student and poor vote.
> If they really were trying to get rid of voter fraud they would focus the
> laws on absentee ballots where there is known fraud...but that would
> suppress the elderly vote and they tend to vote for republicans :-/
> It will be decided in the courts but we will have to go thru a couple
> rounds of voting with these laws on the books.
> If you can't beat em...change the rules!  That's what will happen at the
> republican convention.  Rule 40 is gonna go bye bye...but it's their party
> so they can do what they want as a private org.
> 2 cents
> -Sean
> On Thursday, April 7, 2016, Mathew Howard <> wrote:
>> While I'm not familiar with Texas' requirements, a quick google tells me
>> they require one of the following:
>>    - Texas driver license issued by the Texas Department of Public
>>    Safety (DPS)
>>    - Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS
>>    - Texas personal identification card issued by DPS
>>    - Texas license to carry a handgun issued by DPS
>>    - United States military identification card containing the person’s
>>    photograph
>>    - United States citizenship certificate containing the person’s
>>    photograph
>>    - United States passport
>> Those are all government issued forms of photo ID... I don't really see
>> anything inconsistent there.
>> here in Wisconsin, at least some student ID's are acceptable... and there
>> is a process for obtaining an ID card completely free if you can't pay for
>> the necessary documentation. But as far as requiring a birth certificate to
>> get an ID, how else do you go about proving that you're actually citizen? I
>> really don't see anything unfair about requiring someone to prove they're a
>> citizen to be eligible to vote.
> On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 11:06 AM, Sean Heskett <> wrote:
> The 42 member "freedom caucus" in the house only exists because of
>>> gerrymandering.  They are in districts that are so skewed that only a super
>>> conservative "republican" could ever win.
>>> As for voter ID there is tons of evidence that absentee ballots have a
>>> lot of voter fraud but in person voting the fraud is less than .01%.  All
>>> the voter ID laws are designed to suppress in person voting with an illegal
>>> "poll tax".  Oh sure the ID might be "free" but the birth certificate you
>>> need to produce costs money.  Also in texas you can use your hunting or
>>> fishing license but you can't use a student ID...even if the student ID was
>>> issued by a state school.
>>> Tell me exactly how those two things in this country are 1. Fair 2. Make
>>> America great?!?!
>>> -Sean
>>> On Thursday, April 7, 2016, Mike Hammett <> wrote:
>>>> "conservative minority" HAH!
>>>> Most people are in the middle and couldn't give a shit less, while
>>>> indeed a minority fight for or against most things.
>>>> "Progressive liberals" often forget the difference between legal and
>>>> illegal immigration.
>>>> If the "conservative minority" is gerrymandering districts in Illinois,
>>>> they sure aren't very good at it. Both parties gerrymander and it sucks.
>>>> You need an ID to do almost everything else in your life, why should
>>>> the most important thing be any different?
>>>> BTW: I'd like to welcome unchecked emotion to a mostly logical
>>>> conversation.
>>>> -----
>>>> Mike Hammett
>>>> Intelligent Computing Solutions <>
>>>> <>
>>>> <>
>>>> <>
>>>> <>
>>>> Midwest Internet Exchange <>
>>>> <>
>>>> <>
>>>> <>
>>>> The Brothers WISP <>
>>>> <>
>>>> <>
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> *From: *"Sean Heskett" <>
>>>> *To: *
>>>> *Sent: *Thursday, April 7, 2016 1:16:11 AM
>>>> *Subject: *Re: [AFMUG] OT Donald Trump Says He Might Block Money
>>>> Transfers to Mexico - WSJ
>>>> "The Wall" is a stupid, ignorant and an expensive attempt to solve a
>>>> non-issue...PERIOD!
>>>> My great grandfather was an immigrant from Italy...when no one liked
>>>> Italians.  Italy was poor and invading north africa his motivation  was the
>>>> same as all the South Americans coming here now (I say South Americans
>>>> because most of the illegal immigrants are forms Countries south
>>>> of Mexico) He forbade my grandmother from learning Italian because at that
>>>> time the Italians were looked down upon (early 1900's)
>>>> Totally shameful that everyone has the "close the gate behind me"
>>>> mentality.  America (not 'merica) is built on immigrants.  Those who have
>>>> no compassion for the Syrians fleeing oppression or the South Americans
>>>> migrating north for a better life are just plain stupid in my opinion.
>>>> As a progressive liberal - yeah I said it and I'm fucking proud of
>>>> being a progressive liberal - im so sick and tired of the agenda of this
>>>> country being driven by this damn conservative minority who would rather
>>>> see their neighbor fail. And yes it is a conservative minority because they
>>>> have to gerrymander districts and enact "voter ID" laws in order to
>>>> win.  Social security and Medicare/Medicade are vital to our well being and
>>>> prevent the old, sick and poor from dying on the streets.
>>>> I could go on and on but #fucktrump and #fuckcruze their policies and
>>>> rhetoric have no place in a "civilized" society.
>>>> What the happened to "love thy neighbor"?!?!?  Seriously WTF?
>>>> I can't wait to see the republican convention contort itself into a
>>>> million reap what you sow.
>>>> America is already fucking great!
>>>> Sorry for all the cursing but it really chaps my hide to see American
>>>> politicians act this poorly.
>>>> 2 cents
>>>> -Sean
>>>> On Wednesday, April 6, 2016, Paul McCall <> wrote:
>>>>> Guys,  I am not a Trump fan boy, so let’s make this disclaimer up
>>>>> front.
>>>>> However,  there is a LOT of street smarts in this guy.  The
>>>>> negotiation is just that… a negotiation.  IF he gets in, and starts this
>>>>> process and is bound and determined to make it happen, extremities can be
>>>>> discussed (or thrown out there as shots across the bow), and then
>>>>> adjustments get made.  The point of a wall WILL be built, coming from him,
>>>>> gets it started, and having Mexico start to feel the pinch (in whatever 
>>>>> way
>>>>> that takes) will get people’s attention.
>>>>> Is “the wall” THE answer to immigration challenges?  Of course not.
>>>>> Is it helpful and one part of the total solution needed?   absolutely.
>>>>> There IS NO border with the U.S. right now.  What is there is a façade.
>>>>> Trump is crude and I wish he would tone down the rhetoric a bit (for
>>>>> everybody’s benefit, including himself), but this country needs action in
>>>>> so, so many areas and nobody seems to have the gonads to do anything that
>>>>> isn’t buried in PC or politics or corruption or power or all of the above.
>>>>> I acknowledge that I may be naïve or optimistic on the subject.  But,
>>>>> I *still believe in America* and its strength and there is been
>>>>> absolutely nothing done in recent time to maintain or increase its
>>>>> strength… only further dilution and division and flailing discourse at an
>>>>> unprecedented level historically.
>>>>> Not a Trump fan, but “let’s have some balls and fix our country fan”
>>>>> Paul
>>>>> *From:* Af [] *On Behalf Of *Jaime Solorza
>>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 05, 2016 7:10 PM
>>>>> *To:* Animal Farm
>>>>> *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT Donald Trump Says He Might Block Money
>>>>> Transfers to Mexico - WSJ
>>>>> What a fucking idiot idea....from a fucking idiot.... did I say
>>>>> fucking idiot..oh yes I did

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