George, is this due to some weird weather by you?


Oh, and one thing to consider if you have 3.65 interference, I found out ComEd 
is using 3.65 WiMAX for smartgrid, I don’t know if this is the top of the 
hierarchy for their 900 MHz stuff, or SCADA to substations.  One tower by me 
they have 4 sectors and I think each AP only feeds 1-2 CPEs.  It didn’t help 
that they totally messed up the lat/lon of their tower when they registered it 
in ULS.  Once I looked at the CPE locations and drew lines following the stated 
azimuth, I saw they converged on a tower next to a ComEd facility.



From: Af [] On Behalf Of That One Guy /sarcasm
Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2016 9:05 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] *&%$ 320


lol well it wont be coming from us for a while, we are going 3ghz silent


On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 8:58 PM, George Skorup < 
<> > wrote:

Dude, I'm seeing multipath and ducting like a somebitch. Started around dusk. 
Don't beat your head into your desk. I'm seeing some 11GHz links go from their 
nominal -45ish to like -35 to -60 in just a couple minutes, and BER alarms like 
crazy. This is teh suck.


On 10/6/2016 8:47 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm wrote:

There is some nutty madness going on on a large portion of our 320 network, it 
has hit multiple sites at once. 

I know much of its self induced due to too many marginal installs on very 
limited access points


good CINR to SMs, even matrix B I cant even get into to manage.


uplink MCS for the most part looks good until i get into the frame utilization, 
tons of 16qam 1/2 and 100% usage with only 6-12 mbps throughput


I have been shifting frequencies across the network because it presented like 
interference, and a change on one AP results in required cascade changes across 
the 3ghz network since 320 sync doesnt actually work.


APs are basically default layer 2, no profiles changed, 7mhz channels mostly 
ABCD 90s and some split APs. sub counts range from 10 to 35


I migrated a distant part of the network to 10mhz channels and am not seeing 
this issue, but subscriber counts are low


Im at my wits end on this nonsense and am about to just put every AP on the 
network in SA mode to get a visual on what my spectrum looks like 


we did turn up a 450 facing southwest ten miles south of another 320 AP thats 
facing south, it blinded the SMs to the 320 on a near channel even though they 
were only in the back lobe, but this is far from the others


any advice from you other guys stuck with wimax would be appreciated




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If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team as 
part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.

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