Try to make industrial amounts of electricity without oil. Even hydroelectric turbines need lube. Transformers are filled with oil. If you are against oil, be against oil.

-----Original Message----- From: Josh Reynolds
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2017 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Jaime's thread

I'm trying to figure out what electricity has to do with oil from your

You can also make a decision to reduce oil consumption where logical.
This would be a good thing from a monetary and national defense
standpoint among other things.

On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 9:55 AM,  <> wrote:
Being against oil but using oil...
Think FedEx can do its thing without oil?

If you are truly against oil, stop using it.
Go to the forest.  No kerosene lamps, deer fat tallow candles perhaps.
No guns, takes oil to make guns...


-----Original Message----- From: Josh Reynolds
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2017 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Jaime's thread

Would you mind clarifying the follow a bit? Thanks

"Being against oil but using electricity and vehicles and FedEx."

On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 9:32 AM,  <> wrote:

I like driving my gas and diesel vehicles.
I like the products derived from oil like the jacket on CAT 5 cable and
printed circuit boards.
I like the price of oil to be as low as possible.
I prefer having sources in this hemisphere and not funding the Arab world.

I too have built many miles of copper and fiber over public and tribal
lands.  I have gone through the exact same NEPA and FLPMA process as the
pipeline many many times.  I consider myself a NEPA expert and am
advising the US Senate on ways to make that process work faster.

Pissing and moaning that folks with more money than you are building a
to make even more money than you sounds like sour grapes and jealousy. If
you are against the “commons” don’t use common frequencies.  Don’t use
Don’t use electricity.

I don’t get several things:

Being against oil but using electricity and vehicles and FedEx.
Being against certain forms of arguably safer and more efficient oil
Being against certain rich people doing business but attempting to become
richer person yourself.
Being against the use of public and private ROWs for oil pipelines but not
for water pipelines, natural gas pipelines, sewers, fiber cables or

And being a second or third generation wanna-be 1960s social justice
going thousands of miles to hang with other like minded people and think
are really doing anything be being cold, being an ass, being stupid and
wasting your time and the resources of local, state and federal
Those folks are punks.  (Their parents probably have BA in liberal arts).

And yes, BTW, I too have made deals with tribes.  It is as Lewis
You make the deal, you pay the money and more often than not when tribal
leadership changes, the deal no longer exists and you have another round
payola.  I have native American heritage in my blood. Don’t get all butt
hurt when I say it is called “indian giving” for a reason.  Tribes have
communal property. You never own anything, you just possess it for a time
until some other tribal member decides they need it.  That spills over to
dealing with non tribal members.

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