Yeah. Cost is one thing, but if all you can get is a single polarity on
a particular path, the AF11 is probably one of the last things I'd look
at. Congestion is a problem around here.
On 5/25/2017 8:21 PM, Seth Mattinen wrote:
On 5/25/17 18:12, Mathew Howard wrote:
We're running the full 56mhz/MIMO... I haven't been able to get them
to run at 1024qam yet (antennas still need to be fine tuned, it
wasn't ideal weather conditions when we put them up, so I'm hoping
we'll be able to get a bit more out them), so they're only at around
550Mbps capacity (and I've verified the link will do around 500Mbps
with real traffic).
Only 500 meg with two channels? Crap, I have an old Exalt that can do
that with only one channel at 256QAM.