I havent brought a link up, but it doesnt appear to have any metrics to
speak of

On Aug 17, 2017 6:01 PM, "George Skorup" <george.sko...@cbcast.com> wrote:

> Does the B11 give you any kind of BER or FEC error rate? Is -46 possibly
> too hot? Do those have any kind of diplexer? Or possibly at the edge of the
> band and some filter is clipping? Don't they have a spectrum analyzer too?
> On 8/17/2017 4:51 PM, Mathew Howard wrote:
> Well, most of our issues seemed to just be flakey hardware... the first
> link we put up was the very first batch (they were actually pre-orders...
> made in California). One of them kept randomly rebooting, and we went
> through trying everything we could come up with (cables, power supplies,
> etc.) and eventually swapped sides to see if the problem followed the
> radio, which it did - at which point we told them we wanted a new one, and
> they were pretty quick about replacing it (and the RMA process was pretty
> painless). Once we got that problem dealt with, that same link just refused
> to run at full modulation (I don't remember exactly what it was doing, but
> it was only able to handle around 500mbps of real traffic). I eventually
> decided we should have a spare radio on the shelf anyway (since we had two
> links up at that point) so I bought a new one and swapped out the last made
> in California radio, and that link has actually been pretty stable now that
> it has the new made in China radios on it... and for the most part it does
> run at, or close to, full modulation (it does still drop down sometimes,
> for no reason that's apparent to me, but it stays high enough that I don't
> really care).
> Now, our other link... why it won't run at full modulation is beyond me -
> the signal is where it should be, and there's no reason I can see for it
> (see attached screenshot)... and yes, it will randomly drop to lower
> modulations with no change in signal level, or any other obvious reason...
> it almost seems like it's picking up interference from 5ghz radios (whether
> or not that actually is happening, or is even possible I have no idea). It
> does consistently stay at high enough modulation to handle as much
> throughput as it needs to, so I haven't really put a lot of effort into
> trying to get it working better, but it just doesn't behave like I'd expect
> a licensed link to.
> I will say, I'm not complaining - the B11 is a good radio for what it is,
> there isn't another 11ghz radio that can handle a full gig (yes, only one
> direction at a time, but that's all I care about anyway) for anywhere near
> the price, and their support has been pretty good, in my experience. Also,
> a lot of my impressions came from dealing with odd problems on early
> hardware, which is understandable, but I just don't see the B11 as being in
> the same class as a normal licensed radio.
> On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 1:45 PM, Steve Jones <thatoneguyst...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Mathew, can you go into more detail? Given the garbage their online web
>> portal is and the laughable excuses for no CLI, I expect problems to be met
>> with less than stellar support. So the more history of user experience i
>> have the quicker I can get to RMA or full return if these give us grief
>> On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 1:33 PM, Mathew Howard <mhoward...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I think the point is, on a B11 link (well, both of ours, anyway), the
>>> modulation will be all over the place at any given time for no apparent
>>> reason. Every other licensed radio I've ever used will sit at full
>>> modulation (or whatever it's supposed to be at) unless there's something
>>> wrong with it, or there's a major storm going through that causes enough
>>> fade for the signal level to drop. B11's tend to act much more like I would
>>> expect an unlicensed link to act.
>>> On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 12:30 PM, Rory Conaway <r...@triadwireless.net>
>>> wrote:
>>>> So does that mean that the SAF radios and 80GHz radios that only do
>>>> 256QAM or 64QAM aren’t doing full modulation?
>>>> You use what works and is in your budget.
>>>> Rory
>>>> *From:* Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com] *On Behalf Of *Chuck McCown
>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:43 AM
>>>> *To:* af@afmug.com
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Figuring out what our FCC application says
>>>> I guess you could say it is not at full modulation if it is not using
>>>> the full channel width, but yeah, even if it is FSK is is still fully
>>>> modulating.
>>>> *From:* Bill Prince
>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, August 17, 2017 10:33 AM
>>>> *To:* af@afmug.com
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Figuring out what our FCC application says
>>>> All of our newer radios do 1024 QAM, and a couple do 2048 QAM. They're
>>>> always running at full modulation (unless something is wrong).
>>>> bp
>>>> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
>>>> On 8/17/2017 9:19 AM, Rory Conaway wrote:
>>>> What do you define as full modulation?  These are 256QAM radios and
>>>> they modulate at 256QAM?

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