As long as people are signed up to "Drive a car and test positive, Go directly to Jail..." I don't want to be in this category of person, but THC sticks around so long with so much effect that it's the major difference between Pot and Alcohol... Until we have self driving cars driving down the freeway high is like shooting drunk... Sure you can do it, but it's nothing close to responsible...

On 04/17/2018 08:27 PM, Josh Reynolds wrote:
Decriminalize drugs except in the event of endangering the welfare of a child, or risking life/limb of another person.

Drugs are a personal choice. If Jimbo isn't hurting anybody by coming home and the end of a day and smoking a joint, or maybe using mushrooms or MDA to help overcome emotional trauma, or for religious reasons, who's business is that?

Hard drugs are often done to escape inward or to damage onesself or to feel something or just... Feel. The root problem is mental health. Let people get clean needles in a controlled setting and give them access to talk to someone. It's had amazing effects in those mentioned contries.

Oh yeah, it'll right piss off the cartels too.

On Tue, Apr 17, 2018, 9:47 PM Steve Jones < <>> wrote:

    theres no shortage of criminals

    On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 6:47 PM, Josh Reynolds <
    <>> wrote:

        I wish we would treat drugs here like they do in Spain and
        Portugal, but how would our for-profit prison system, police and
        federal law enforcement get money?

        On Tue, Apr 17, 2018, 6:42 PM Steve Jones
        < <>>

            Thats heroin that permantly alters the opoid receptors in
            the brain, the molecule is slightly larger than the normal
            brain chemical (dopamine i think) its replacing, so the
            receptor is enlarged. Its actually that first use that is
            why doing heroin is called chasing the dragon, people are
            seeking to replicate that first high but never can because
            the physiologic change only happens once so its like chasing
            a dragon

            On Tue, Apr 17, 2018, 6:18 PM Josh Reynolds
            < <>> wrote:

                That's Fake News.

                On Tue, Apr 17, 2018, 2:21 PM Nate Burke
                < <>> wrote:

                    I thought I heard somewhere that any use of Meth,
                    even once, permanently
                    alters the brain chemistry.  So it's not a
                    'recreational' drug, and why
                    it's so addictive.

                    On 4/17/2018 2:11 PM, Jay Weekley wrote:
                     > Anything that makes me not want to eat or sleep
                    isn't for me.  I like
                     > those too much.
                     > Chuck McCown wrote:
                     >> If I am going to use bath salts, they are called
                    Epsom and they are
                     >> dissolved in hot water...
                     >> Not really clear what they mean by bath salts.
                     >> I was prescribed Xanax once.  Made me sleepy.
                     >> Pot was not my thing back in the 70s...
                     >> (I preferred Olympia, Blitz, Rainier, Hamms,
                    Miller, Heineken, Henry
                     >> Winehards Private Reserve...)
                     >> Not really sure what meth does to you but I know
                    it is horribly
                     >> addictive and ruins everyone that gets hooked.
                     >> I guess it is a version of speed.  But no direct
                    experience with that
                     >> either.  Not wanting anything that cause my hear
                    to race.
                     >> Coke Zero does that enough for me.
                     >> My wife lived on Oxy after a pair of horrific
                     >> (decompression of the spine, harrington rods, 14
                    lag screws into her
                     >> vertebrae).
                     >> But she didn't get hooked.  Claimed it worked
                    really well.
                     >> -----Original Message----- From: Jay Weekley
                     >> Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 12:08 PM
                     >> To: <>
                     >> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: very OT. Scumbag parents
                     >> I understand opiods, Xanax and pot but meth just
                    doesn't sound like fun
>> and bath salts has to be the lowest of lows. Granted, all I know about
                     >> bath salts are the videos I've come across.
                     >> Steve Jones wrote:
                     >>> They released the report, they seized appox 70
                    grams of xanax, 16
                     >>> doses od suboxone (essentially heroin) 11.8
                    grams of bath salts.
                     >>> other misch controlled substance pills as well
                    as delivery of meth
                     >>> charges.
                     >>> fucking bath salts
                     >>> On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 8:18 AM, Dave
                    < <>
                     >>> <
                    <>>> wrote:
                     >>>     I hear the same shit as lewis and the
                    sheriff mentioned that Every
                     >>>     vehicle that is pulled over has some form
                    of drug or paraphernalia
                     >>>     in it.
                     >>>     Meth is the demon drug that will cause even
                    the most humble become
                     >>>     demented.
                     >>>     A peer of my rank in the army said "That
                    some were just not meant
                     >>>     to breed!" We laughed about it but I do
                    believe there is some
                     >>>     truth to that.
                     >>>     On 04/15/2018 05:11 PM, Lewis Bergman wrote:
                     >>>>     I think Meth answers all your "why"
                    questions. Since I deal with
                     >>>>     almost every sheriff in and most every
                    drug focused law
                     >>>>     enforcement I hear a lot of their stories.
                    One of them tells me
                     >>>>     that 95%+ of crime is drug related. CPS
                    type problems they put at
                     >>>>     about 80% with the remaining 15% made of
                    of perverts that should
                     >>>>     probably be castrated upon a verdict.
                     >>>>     On Sun, Apr 15, 2018 at 10:03 AM Chuck
                    McCown < <>
                     >>>>     <
                    <>>> wrote:
                     >>>>         I had a similar situation.  Rather my
                    wife did.  We took the
                     >>>>         kids in (her sister�s kids).
                     >>>>         Very similar situation, neglected,
                    abused, drugs etc.
                     >>>>         One of the parents got them back for a
                    while, then the other.
                     >>>>         Those kids still think of my wife as
                    �mom�.  They are all
                     >>>>         grown up with grandkids of their own now.
                     >>>>         One of them is a solid cop in Reno.
                    The other has not turned
                     >>>>         out so well.
                     >>>>         The world needs standup guys like you.
                     >>>>         *From:* Steve Jones
                     >>>>         *Sent:* Saturday, April 14, 2018 11:00 PM
                     >>>>         *To:* <>
                     >>>>         *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT: very OT.
                    Scumbag parents
                     >>>>         You folks get my vent because i cant
                    anywherr else. So like 7
                     >>>>         years ago we took in my old ladys
                    nephews because, well
                     >>>>         fuckwit parents. FYI the foster care
                    system is aweful. We
                     >>>>         fostered them for a year and half
                    while her brother and baby
                     >>>>         momma sorted their shit, or so we
                    thought. The 18 month old
                     >>>>         at the time had a club foot, i had to
                    build a sleeping rig
                     >>>>         with some shoes with the ankles hooked
                    together and the toes
                     >>>>         locked outward with a ruler, i worked
                    his legs in and out til
                     >>>>         his hip popped one night, i thought i
                    broke his hip, but it
                     >>>>         was just something going back. The 4
                    year old you couldbt
                     >>>>         understand cause they thought baby
                    talk was cute so they
                     >>>>         never taught him to speak. We fixed
                    that, and that was the
                     >>>>         least bad of the fuckery. This was me,
                    the old lady,
                     >>>>         a1,2,4,and 5 year old with our 2 in a
                    tiny 2 bedroom.
                     >>>>         Finally got these boys shaped up and
                    bought a house for room,
                     >>>>         and a week later they gave them back
                    to the mom. The old
                     >>>>         ladies brother never did what he was
                    supposed to.
                     >>>>         Now today was their grandmas (my old
                    ladies step moms)
                     >>>>         funeral, so whats this trashcan do?
                    Gets arrested for selling
                     >>>>         fucking meth
                     >>>>         So dealing with all that comes with a
                    funeral, we had to be
                     >>>>         late dealing with the child services
                    people. Get all that
                     >>>>         squared away, get through the funeral
                    and now find out we
                     >>>>         also get the joy of headlice.
                     >>>>         Seriously, fucking shit fuck. How do
                    people do this shit to
                     >>>>         kids, theyre not just a thing you have
                    while doing other
                     >>>> things.
                     >>>>         Im not lawfully allowed to discuss any
                    of this with anyone
                     >>>>         who is remotely involved, i figure
                    none of you are.
                     >>>>         But seriously, what the fuck, you get
                    your kids back and sell
                     >>>>         meth. And theyre already asking if
                    they sign their righys if
                     >>>>         they can see the kids still.
                     >>>>         I have very few skills, and none of
                    rhem involve the ability
                     >>>>         to not want to feed these people lead
                     >>>     --

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