I have it on very very very good authority driving high is more likely to result in you going very slow and paranoid where alcohol makes you (believe you are) an exceptionally skilled high speed driver... so I have been told...

-----Original Message----- From: Bill Prince
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 12:00 PM
To: af@afmug.com
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: very OT. Scumbag parents

I know it "sticks around", but I'm not so sure the side effects are
still there (I am not an authority, but this is what I've read). That
has been and still is the challenge. I've seen things about the
development of a test to determine if someone is still under the
influence, but to date the best way to tell is to perform a full
sobriety test.


On 4/18/2018 10:48 AM, Robert Andrews wrote:
As long as people are signed up to "Drive a car and test positive, Go directly to Jail..." I don't want to be in this category of person, but THC sticks around so long with so much effect that it's the major difference between Pot and Alcohol... Until we have self driving cars driving down the freeway high is like shooting drunk... Sure you can do it, but it's nothing close to responsible...

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