On 2019-11-08 20:34:PM, rounce...@hotmail.com wrote:
The thing about the adversary controlling the environment around the agent,  his brain is working with the same physics as your feet hitting the floor,  but its not simulatable in a physics system, because its not mechanical to start with, but why it could never be ever simulated is you dont have xray vision to build the model of his brain to predict what he does!
Adversaries don't need perfect models to be able to thwart your
ability to attain your goals. They need some skill and ability,
of course, but high quality simulations of your brain are
absolutely not required.

On 2019-11-08 19:30:PM, Stanley Nilsen wrote:

Jumping down into the laws of physics is one example.  Weren't people fairly intelligent when they knew little about physics and the laws of nature?  Yes, there is the "repeatability" of natural phenomenon given that nature runs on pretty strict rules, but is the "intelligent" stuff man does, that is making "better" choices, due to the fact that man "learned" the details of nature's rules?

That's part of it, yes. The brain builds a model of the world,
and uses it to predict the future consequences of its possible
actions, followed by evaluation of the results. Then, that's the
data that is used to choose between actions. Of course the model
is not all represented consciously and labelled as being
"the laws of physics" - but a representation of the laws of
physics is in still there, even in cavemen who lived long
before Newton was born.


 |im |yler http://timtyler.org/  t...@tt1.org  617-671-9930

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