Maybe not seperatly, as they all tie in of course, but Ive seen so many 
projects now that try to do the reasoning aspects of AGI, and they all seem 
limited by one main factor, a lack of knowledge, or base facts in the system, 
and whatever facts are in the system are hand-engineered and few.  This seems 
to make good demo's but fragile systems if we want any kind of expansion.
    It gives a godo test bed for learnign about how the systems should work, 
but we dont have the ability to hand engineer all the many facts, and try to 
make them all work together.
    Its a catch 22 really, 
  >"In other words, any successful NLP must incorporate the same knowledge of 
the universe that the speaker possesses. Without that knowledge, natural 
language cannot be understood."
  We cant understand english because we dont have enough knowledge, we dont 
have enough knowledge because we cant understand english.
  Something in the line of thought must be wrong, and we CAN communicate with 
computers now, albeit a limited form of english in simple commands, so we need 
to up it, and give it the ability to know more and more english, as the basis 
for a NL interface to teach it any knowledge it needs on an interactive basis.
  And the above quote is not strictly true on an obvious level anyway, no one 
person knows everything another person does, or they could never learn.
  Given a basic AI, that knew some words and info about food and eating
  "I feasted on an olive-and-pimiento-cheese sandwich on wheat bread."
  The AGI could look at that, say I dont know what "feasted on" means, and I 
could tell it that it is very similar to "ate" and it would learn that small 
bit of info.
  So I talked with it, using words it had no knowledge of, and it learned from 
  The trick here, is what is the base smallest amount of words and knowledge 
needed to gather most other knowledge, and what is the easiest interface and 
reaction for the AGI, to learn these in a good fashion.
  >I think we can all agree that giving a computer the same knowledge of the 
universe that a >typical human possesses is a task beyond even our hubris at 
present. Until we can solve >this problem, we have to dismiss the possibility 
of natural language user interfaces."
  So I think that shows pretty simply that all the worlds knowledge is not 
necessary to make an AGI, bu tthat learning and teaching must be used ot get as 
much of that knowledge as possible... To date, this is the only real way I see 
of getting a complete decent KB to an AGI, though text extraction and some 
amount of engineering low level information must be used as well. And any other 
DB's and ontology can be used to assist these tasks.
  James Ratcliff
  > Learning the English language (or whatever language) seems to really 
be the
> blocking point for most every AGI project I have heard of, and I 
would like
> to see a lot more interst and work done on that, even possibly before 
> overall structure of the rest of the AGI is concerned with, or at 
least a
> much mroe significant portion.

Ability to learn English is one key requirement of an AGI
architecture, but I don't think it can be considered separately from
the rest of the architecture...


Russell Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  On 4/20/07, James Ratcliff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:    Learning the English 
language (or whatever language) seems to really be the blocking point for most 
every AGI project I have heard of, and I would like to see a lot more interst 
and work done on that, even possibly before the overall structure of the rest 
of the AGI is concerned with, or at least a much mroe significant portion.   
I just found an article by Chris Crawford that I remembered reading years ago, 
with a relevant quote:

"In other words, any successful natural language processor must incorporate the 
same knowledge of the universe that the speaker possesses. Without that 
knowledge, natural language cannot be understood. I think we can all agree that 
giving a computer the same knowledge of the universe that a typical human 
possesses is a task beyond even our hubris at present. Until we can solve this 
problem, we have to dismiss the possibility of natural language user 

James Ratcliff -
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