MD:What does "warm" look like?  How about "angry" or "happy"?  Can you
draw a picture of "abstract" or "indeterminate"?  I understand (i
think) where you are coming from, and I agree wholeheartedly - up to
the point where you seem to imply that a picture of something is the
totality of its character.  I don't believe that's what you are
saying, but you did not specify how far your analogy should be taken.

It goes ALL THE WAY. Language is backed by SENSORY images - the whole range. "Warm" will be the physical kinaesthetic sensation of warmth you felt at a given time. Angry will be either the internal feeling you had or the external expression you saw on someone's face, or the sound of their shouting voice, ditto happy.

Abstract - draw something/anything - and then visually blank it. Voila abstract.

Indeterminate - watch a picture go fuzzy.

All such objections are examples of visual/ cinematic illiteracy.

Classic example - Wittgenstein - language couldn't possibly be backed by images. Why? Think of "a man going up a hill". How would you know by images that the man was walking UP the hill?

That is the classic example of literate man's multimediate illiteracy.

How do you know? You MOVE the image. W. assumed that the picture had to be a BOOK picture. But of course the mind deals all the time in moving pics. even if the conscious mind isn't aware of it.

ALL your assumptions about how language can't be cashed out by images and graphics will be similarly illiterate - or, literally, UNIMAGINATIVE. However your unconscious mind is supremely imaginative. You may think yourself a very non-visual person. Just take a look at your dreams from a technical POV. Awesome CGI - cobbling together of bits of images, frames, dialogue- bits& pieces from all over the place - at fantastic speed. That's how the unconscious mind works all the time. That's what you need for human- style AGI. No problem, huh?

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