And here's the human psuedocode:

1. Hold Knife above flame until red.
2. Place knife on arm.
3. a. Accept Pain sensation 
    b. Scream or respond as necessary
4. Press knife harder into skin.
5. Goto 3, until 6.
6. Pass out from pain

Matt Mahoney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Below is a program that can feel pain.  
It is a simulation of a programmable
2-input logic gate that you train using reinforcement conditioning.

/* pain.cpp

This program simulates a programmable 2-input logic gate.
You train it by reinforcement conditioning.  You provide a pair of 
input bits (00, 01, 10, or 11).  It will output a 0 or 1.  If the
output is correct, you "reward" it by entering "+".  If it is wrong,
you "punish" it by entering "-".  You can program it this way to
implement any 2-input logic function (AND, OR, XOR, NAND, etc).

using namespace std;

int main() {
  // probability of output 1 given input 00, 01, 10, 11
  double wt[4]={0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5};

  while (1) {
    cout << "Please input 2 bits (00, 01, 10, 11): ";
    char b1, b2;
    cin >> b1 >> b2;
    int input = (b1-'0')*2+(b2-'0');
    if (input >= 0 && input < 4) {
      int response = double(rand())/RAND_MAX < wt[input];
      cout << "Output = " << response 
           << ".  Please enter + if right, - if wrong: ";
      char reinforcement;
      cin >> reinforcement;
      if (reinforcement == '+')
        cout << "aah! :-)\n";
      else if (reinforcement == '-')
        cout << "ouch! :-(\n";
      int adjustment = (reinforcement == '-') ^ response;
      if (adjustment == 0)
        wt[input] /= 2;
        wt[input] = 1 - (1 - wt[input])/2;

--- Jiri Jelinek  wrote:

> Mark,
> Again, simulation - sure, why not. On VNA (Neumann's architecture) - I
> don't think so - IMO not advanced enough to support qualia. Yes, I do
> believe qualia exists (= I do not agree with all Dennett's views, but
> I think his views are important to consider.) I wrote tons of pro
> software (using many languages) for a bunch of major projects but I
> have absolutely no idea how to write some kind of feelPain(intensity)
> fn that could cause real pain sensation to an AI system running on my
> (VNA based) computer. BTW I often do the test driven development so I
> would probably first want to write a test procedure for real pain. If
> you can write at least a pseudo-code for that then let me know. When
> talking about VNA, this is IMO a pure fiction. And even *IF* it
> actually was somehow possible, I don't think it would be clever to
> allow adding such a code to our AGI. In VNA-processing, there is no
> room for subjective feelings. VNA = "cold" data & "cold" logic (no
> matter how complex your algorithms get) because the CPU (with its set
> of primitive instructions) - just like the other components - was not
> designed to handle anything more.
> Jiri
> On 6/10/07, Mark Waser  wrote:
> >
> >
> > > For feelings - like pain - there is a problem. But I don't feel like
> > > spending much time explaining it little by little through many emails.
> > > There are books and articles on this topic.
> >
> > Indeed there are and they are entirely unconvincing.  Anyone who writes
> > something can get it published.
> >
> > If you can't prove that you're not a simulation, then you certainly can't
> > prove that "pain that really *hurts*" isn't possible.  I'll just simply
> > argue that you *are* a simulation, that you do experience "pain that
> really
> > *hurts*", and therefore, my point is proved.  I'd say that the burden of
> > proof is upon you or anyone else who makes claims like ""Why you can't
> make
> > a computer that feels pain".
> >
> > I've read all of Dennett's books.  I would argue that there are far more
> > people with credentials who disagree with him than agree.  His arguments
> > really don't boil down to anything better than "I don't see how it happens
> > or how to do it so it isn't possible."
> >
> > I still haven't seen you respond to the simulation argument (which I feel
> > *is* the stake through Dennett's argument) but if you want to stop
> debating
> > without doing so that's certainly cool.
> >
> >     Mark________________________________

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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