--- Jiri Jelinek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Eric,
> I'm not 100% sure if someone/something else than me feels pain, but
> considerable similarities between my and other humans
> - architecture
> - [triggers of] internal and external pain related responses
> - independent descriptions of subjective pain perceptions which
> correspond in certain ways with the internal body responses
> make me think it's more likely than not that other humans feel pain
> the way I do.

There is a simple proof for the existence of pain.  Define pain as a signal
that an intelligent system has the goal of avoiding.  By the equivalence:

  (P => Q) = (not Q => not P)

if you didn't believe the pain was real, you would not try to avoid it.

(OK, that is "proof by belief".  I omitted the step (you believe X => X is
true).  If you believe it is true, that is good enough).

> The further you move from human like architecture the less you see the
> signs of pain related behavior (e.g. the avoidance behavior). Insect
> keeps trying to use badly injured body parts the same way as if they
> weren't injured and (unlike in mammals) its internal responses to the
> injury don't suggest that anything crazy is going on with them. And
> when I look at software, I cannot find a good reason for believing it
> can be in pain. The fact that we can use pain killers (and other
> techniques) to get rid of pain and still remain complex systems
> capable of general problem solving suggests that the pain quale takes
> more than complex problem solving algorithms we are writing for our
> AGI.

Pain is clearly measurable.  It obeys a strict ordering.  If you prefer
penalty A to B and B to C, then you will prefer A to C.  You can estimate,
e.g. that B is twice as painful as A and choose A twice vs. B once.  In AIXI,
the reinforcement signal is a numeric quantity.

But how should pain be measured?

Pain results in a change in the behavior of an intelligent system.  If a
system responds Y = f(X) to input X, followed by negative reinforcement, then
the function f is changed to output Y with lower probability given input X. 
The magnitude of this change is measurable in bits.  Let f be the function
prior to negative reinforcement and f' be the function afterwards.  Then

  dK(f) = K(f'|f) = K(f, f') - K(f)

where K() is algorithmic complexity.  Then dK(f) is the number of bits needed
to describe the change from f to f'.

Arguments for:
- Greater pain results in a greater change in behavior (consistent with animal
- Greater intelligence implies greater possible pain (consistent with the
belief that people feel more pain than insects or machines).

Argument against:
- dK makes no distinction between negative and positive reinforcement, or
neutral methods such as supervised learning or classical conditioning.

I don't know how to address this argument.  Earlier I posted a program that
simulates a programmable logic gate that you train using reinforcement
learning.  Note that you can achieve the same state using either positive or
negative reinforcement, or by a neutral method such as setting the weights

-- Matt Mahoney

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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