Charles> N.B.: People have practiced birth control as far back as we
Charles> have information.  Look into the story of Oedipus Rex.  Study
Charles> the histories of the Polynesians.  The only modern feature is
Charles> that we are now allowing the practice to occur before the
Charles> investment in pregnancy.

The modern feature is that whole peoples have chosen to reproduce at
half replacement level. In case you haven't thought about the
implications of that, that means their genes, for example, are
vanishing from the pool by a factor of 2 every 20 years or so.
Won't take long before they are gone.
I don't doubt there is a good element of 
K-strategy in human makeup, but evidently
the K-strategy programming is a bit out of whack.

I expect this was caused by our mental programming advancing much
faster, at the cultural, meme, etc level, in the presence of 
language and printing presses etc, than  evolution of the 
genome could keep up with.
My guess is evolution will catch up and correct this in a
generation or two, but in the meantime it is going to have 
substantial demographic effects.

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