I am aware of textbook neuroscience, but it really does not tell you enough
to let you emulate the brain.

Neuroanatomy plus single-neuron understanding is not enough...

OCP cannot benefit directly from detailed neuroscience knowledge as it is a
different sort of AGI system ... but a closely brain-based AGI system could
of course be built within the OpenCog Framework, which would be good fun...

ben G

On 8/10/08, John LaMuth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> *To:* agi@v2.listbox.com
> *Sent:* Sunday, August 10, 2008 8:00 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [agi] The Necessity of Embodiment
> ... the best approaches are
> 1) wait till the brain scientists scan the brain well enough that, by
> combining appropriate neurocognitive theory w/ brain scan results, we can
> figure out how the brain works ... then emulate it in hardware
> *********************************************************
> Ben
> This has already been achieved through basic neuroanatomy, where the
> cytoarchitectonic subdivisions of both the thalamus and the neocortex are
> topographically defined in terms of the variables of phylogenetic age and
> input specificity. The cortical and thalamic parcellations of Brodmann, von
> Economo and Hassler are each quantitatively correlated to a specific
> Cartesian coordinate value designating discrete levels for both evolutionary
> age and input basic parameters. This dual parameter grid does for
> neuroscience what the periodic table did for chemistry...
> more at
> http://www.forebrain.org
> As far as "embidiment" -- the brain apparently "secretes" its own VR
> reality, as imperfectly experienced in dreams, and more precisely in waking
> consc.The human brain is essentially a self-assembling (in utero) wet-ware
> biocomputer/ motivational analyzer that ensures the survival of the organism
> in harmony with the environment. The mind, which is the domain of study for
> psychology, represents the outward manifestation of the software processes
> that mediate consciousness, emotion, and communication. This mirrors the
> technological platform encountered for Artificial Intelligence, although the
> hardware is silicon-based and digital (rather than analogue), and advances
> typically target only an imitation of the symbolic attributes of language,
> rather than the entire spectrum of human consciousness (that required
> billions of years of evolution to perfect).
> In summary, then, through the aid of the new "periodic table" for the human
> forebrain (employing the basic exteroceptive, interoceptive, and
> proprioceptive input categories), an intimately detailed pattern
> correspondence can be established with the instinctual principles of
> behavioral psychology. Here, the forebrain expands upon the
> stimulus/response (sensory/motor) reflex arcs implicit in the neuraxial
> spinal cord, with the intermediary neurons mediating the interoceptive
> sensations correlating to the emotions. Indeed, the nervous system never
> replaces basic circuitry, only modifies it, such as evident in the vast
> expansion of the forebrain based upon the visual and olfactory senses. This
> expansion of the forebrain, in turn, serves as the elementary foundation for
> the higher cognitive disciplines within psychology. Therefore, by applying
> the behavioral principles on an evolutionary scale from lower animals clear
> on up to humans, it is possible to achieve such a synthesis of behavioral
> psychology with its corresponding "hard science" referent in the field of
> neuroanatomy.
> Please advise if this might be of value to OCP ...
> John E LaMuth
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Ben Goertzel, PhD
CEO, Novamente LLC and Biomind LLC
Director of Research, SIAI

"Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must be first
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