I definitely agree w/ you, being that no-one is sure where even memory is 
stored in the brain, much less thought, consc. etc.

Gross anatomy does prove useful when examining established input/output systems 
modalities along the lines of a "black box"
model of the brain, wherein providing an overall master conceptual framework 
for the brain (as well as any imitative AGI )

The crucial key appears to be to focus upon the motivational (or 
emotional/affective) aspects of language/knowledge as its guiding principle, 
with the remaining bulk of value-neutral language filling-in in an accessory 
role. As Robert Warren Penn once insightfully wrote: "What is man but his 
passions?" By focusing primarily upon the affective aspects of human 
goal-directed knowledge, an economically feasible shortcut to the AGI 
simulation of human communication could be expedited. 

John L

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ben Goertzel 
  To: agi@v2.listbox.com 
  Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2008 5:58 PM
  Subject: Re: [agi] The Necessity of Embodiment

  I am aware of textbook neuroscience, but it really does not tell you enough 
to let you emulate the brain.

  Neuroanatomy plus single-neuron understanding is not enough...

  OCP cannot benefit directly from detailed neuroscience knowledge as it is a 
different sort of AGI system ... but a closely brain-based AGI system could of 
course be built within the OpenCog Framework, which would be good fun...

  ben G

  On 8/10/08, John LaMuth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Ben Goertzel 
      To: agi@v2.listbox.com 
      Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2008 8:00 AM
      Subject: Re: [agi] The Necessity of Embodiment

      ... the best approaches are

      1) wait till the brain scientists scan the brain well enough that, by 
combining appropriate neurocognitive theory w/ brain scan results, we can 
figure out how the brain works ... then emulate it in hardware


      This has already been achieved through basic neuroanatomy, where the 
cytoarchitectonic subdivisions of both the thalamus and the neocortex are 
topographically defined in terms of the variables of phylogenetic age and input 
specificity. The cortical and thalamic parcellations of Brodmann, von Economo 
and Hassler are each quantitatively correlated to a specific Cartesian 
coordinate value designating discrete levels for both evolutionary age and 
input basic parameters. This dual parameter grid does for neuroscience what the 
periodic table did for chemistry...
      more at

      As far as "embodiment" -- the brain apparently "secretes" its own VR 
reality, as imperfectly experienced in dreams, and more precisely in waking 
consc.The human brain is essentially a self-assembling (in utero) wet-ware 
biocomputer/ motivational analyzer that ensures the survival of the organism in 
harmony with the environment. The mind, which is the domain of study for 
psychology, represents the outward manifestation of the software processes that 
mediate consciousness, emotion, and communication. This mirrors the 
technological platform encountered for Artificial Intelligence, although the 
hardware is silicon-based and digital (rather than analogue), and advances 
typically target only an imitation of the symbolic attributes of language, 
rather than the entire spectrum of human consciousness (that required billions 
of years of evolution to perfect). 
      In summary, then, through the aid of the new "periodic table" for the 
human forebrain (employing the basic exteroceptive, interoceptive, and 
proprioceptive input categories), an intimately detailed pattern correspondence 
can be established with the instinctual principles of behavioral psychology. 
Here, the forebrain expands upon the stimulus/response (sensory/motor) reflex 
arcs implicit in the neuraxial spinal cord, with the intermediary neurons 
mediating the interoceptive sensations correlating to the emotions. Indeed, the 
nervous system never replaces basic circuitry, only modifies it, such as 
evident in the vast expansion of the forebrain based upon the visual and 
olfactory senses. This expansion of the forebrain, in turn, serves as the 
elementary foundation for the higher cognitive disciplines within psychology. 
Therefore, by applying the behavioral principles on an evolutionary scale from 
lower animals clear on up to humans, it is possible to achieve such a synthesis 
of behavioral psychology with its corresponding "hard science" referent in the 
field of neuroanatomy.

      Please advise if this might be of value to OCP ...

      John E LaMuth

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