2008/9/2 Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Yes, I agree that your Turing machine approach can model the same
> situations, but the different formalisms seem to lend themselves to
> different kinds of analysis more naturally...
> I guess it all depends on what kinds of theorems you want to formulate...

What I am interested in is if someone gives me a computer system that
changes its state is some fashion, can I state how powerful that
method of change is likely to be? That is what the exact difference
between a traditional learning algorithm and the way I envisage AGIs
changing their state.

Also can you formalise the difference between a humans method of
learning how to learn, and boot strapping language off language (both
examples of a strange loop), and a program inspecting and changing its
source code.

I'm also interested in recursive self changing systems and whether you
can be sure they will stay recursive self changing systems, as they
change. This last one especially with regard to people designs systems
with singletons in mind.


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