Matt:The problem you describe is to reconstruct this image given the highly filtered and compressed signals that make it through your visual perceptual system, like when an artist paints a scene from memory. Are you saying that this process requires a consciousness because it is otherwise not computable? If so, then I can describe a simple algorithm that proves you are wrong: try all combinations of pixels until you find one that looks the same.


Simple? Well, you're good at maths. Can we formalise what you're arguing? A computer screen, for argument's sake. 800 x 600, or whatever. Now what is the total number of (diverse) objects that can be captured on that screen, and how long would it take your algorithm to enumerate them?

(It's an interesting question, because my intuition says to me that there is an infinity of objects that can be depicted on any screen (or drawn on a page). Are you saying that there aren't? - that you can in effect predict new objects as yet unconceived, new kinds of ipods/inventions/evolved species, say, -at least in terms of their representations on a flat screen - with an algorithm? )

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