On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 8:37 PM, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Matt:The problem you describe is to reconstruct this image given the highly
> filtered and compressed signals that make it through your visual perceptual
> system, like when an artist paints a scene from memory. Are you saying that
> this process requires a consciousness because it is otherwise not
> computable? If so, then I can describe a simple algorithm that proves you
> are wrong: try all combinations of pixels until you find one that looks the
> same.
> Matt,
> Simple? Well, you're good at maths. Can we formalise what you're arguing? A
> computer screen, for argument's sake.  800 x 600, or whatever. Now what is
> the total number of (diverse) objects that can be captured on that screen,
> and how long would it take your algorithm to enumerate them?
> (It's an interesting question, because my intuition says to me that there
> is an infinity of objects that can be depicted on any screen (or drawn on a
> page). Are you saying that there aren't? -

There is a finite number of possible screen-images, at least from the point
of view of the process sending digital signals to the screen.

If the monitor refreshes each pixel N times per second, then over an
interval of T seconds, if each pixel can show C colors, then there are


possible different scenes showable on the screen during that time period....

A big number but finite!

Drawing on a page is a different story, as it gets into physics questions,
but it seems rather likely there is a finite number of pictures on the page
that are distinguishable by a human eye.

So, whether or not an infinite number of objects exist in the universe, only
a finite number of distinctions can be drawn on a monitor (for certain), or
by an eye (almost surely)

ben g

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