Hi Vladimir,
I did not say the physics was unknown. I said that it must exist. The physics is already known.Empirically and theoretically. It's just not recognised in-situ and by the appropriate people. It's an implication of the quantum non-locality underpinning electrodynamics. Extensions of the physics model to include the necessary effects are not part of the discussion and change nothing. This does not alter the argument, which is empirical. Please accept and critique it on this basis. I am planning an experiment as a post-doc to validate the basic principle as it applies in a neural context. It's under development now. It involves electronics and lasers and all the usual experimental dross.

BTW I don't do non-science. Otherwise I'd just be able to sit back and declare my world view complete and authoritative, regardless of the evidence, wouldn't I? That is so not me. I am an engineer.... If I can't build it then I know I don't understand it. Nothing is sacred. At no point ever will I entertain any fictional/untestable/magical solutions. Like assuming an unproven conjecture is true. Nor will I idolise the 'received view' as having all the answers and force the natural world to fit my prejudices in respect of what 'explanation' entails. Especially when major mysteries persist in the face of all explanatory attempts. That's the worst non-science you can have... so I'm rather more radically empirical and dry, evidenced based but realistic in expectations of our skills as explorers of the natural world ...than it might appear. In being this way I hope to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

COMP being false make the AGI goal much harder...but much much more interesting!

That's a little intro to colin hales for you.

colin hales
(all done now!)

Vladimir Nesov wrote:
Basically, you are saying that there is some unknown physics mojo
going on. The mystery of mind looks as mysterious as mystery of
physics, therefore it requires mystery of physics and can derive
further mysteriousness from it, becoming inherently mysterious. It's
bad, bad non-science.

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