Matthias:No Mike. AGI must be able to discover regularities of all kind in all
If you can find a single domain where your AGI fails, it is no AGI.


Well, it's v. easy to say "no." Can you back it up with a single example?A single analogy, metaphor, creative idea/discovery/invention, or a single, everyday resourceful idea that is based on a regularity?

Actually creativity is based on *irregular comparisons* between objects in different domains. The archetypal example was the problem where a chap had to measure the volume of a v. irregularly-shaped object - a crown. There was, of course, no way to do it, until he came up with the highly lateral idea, (which as creative ideas almost always do, had no precedent) - of dunking the object into a water container, and then measuring the regular, easy-to-measure volume of the water displaced rather than the object itself. Eureka.

That's the essence of every creative idea - and just about every analogy, metaphor, and form of resourcefulness. You make *irregular* comparisons between objects in different domains - irregular in that there is no formal way of comparing the objects, (such as logic or maths or any form of measurement). In this case, the comparison was between a strangely-shaped solid, a crown, and water. There are no regularities here. [N.b. either of the objects can be regular in itself - it is the *comparison* that is irregular].

Similarly, if you look at metaphors etc - e.g. "mushroom cloud" or "clouds crying" - you will find that they make irregular comparisons between objects in different domains, ("mushroom" and "cloud", "raindrops" and "tears"), which there is no formal way of comparing. There is no mathematical or logical way to liken those objects.

*Irregular* comparisons are the basis of creativity and general intelligence and AGI. If you don't understand this, you don't really understand AGI.

(It should be obvious too that an AGI only classifies as such if it is able to adapt to problem situations - very different from those of chess - where no pre-existing rules or "regular" procedures apply).

If you disagree, give me a single example of an analogy, metaphor, creative idea/discovery/invention, or a single resourceful idea that was arrived at by finding a regularity - making a regular comparison. (BTW this is not a "magical" approach to creativity and AGI - it is highly concrete and example-based. I hope you will be, too).

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