--- On Sun, 10/26/08, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So what's the connection according to you between 
> viruses and illness/disease, heating water and boiling,
> force applied to object and acceleration of object?

Observing illness causes me to believe a virus might be present. Observing 
boiling water causes me to believe it was heated. f = ma says nothing about 
cause and effect.

We say "X causes Y" if X and Y are correlated, and we can control X but not Y. 
This implies X precedes Y in time, because if Y happens first then controlling 
X would make them uncorrelated.

If the mind is computable, then control is just a belief. Therefore, cause and 
effect would also be just a belief. Physics is computable and does not require 
cause and effect to model it.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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