"the (actually explicit) assumption underlying the whole
scientific method is that the same causes produces the same results."

That's determinism/inevitabilism and it's only one philosophy of science, if arguably still the major one. [One set of causes produces one set of effects]. There's an alternative philosophy - which is the de facto philosophy of technology - of which AI is a part. That says there are *infinite* sets of causes which can produce any one set of effects. You want to knock over a block of wood on a table? Infinite ways of doing it. You want to program a computer to knock over a block...? Infinite ways of doing it. You want to use your brain to think about knocking over a block....? Infinite ways of doing it.

This philosophy is implicit in the butterfly effect. If a hurricane can be caused by a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil, it can/could equally be caused this time or another time by a humming bird flapping its wings in Africa, or a programmer scratching his balls in Maryland, or a....

Both philosophies are mechanistic.

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