--- On Tue, 11/11/08, Mark Waser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >> This does not mean that certain practices are good
> or bad. If there was such a thing, then there would be no
> debate about war, abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment,
> or animal rights, because these questions could be answered
> experimentally.
> Given a goal and a context, there is absolutely such a
> thing as good or bad. The problem with the examples that you
> cited is that you're attempting to generalize to a
> universal answer across contexts (because I would argue that
> there is a useful universal goal) which is nonsensical.  All
> of this can be answered both logically and experimentally if
> you just ask the right question instead of engaging in
> vacuous hand-waving about how tough it all is after
> you've mindlessly expanded your problem beyond solution.

That's what I just said. You have to ask the right questions.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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