> From: Matt Mahoney [mailto:matmaho...@yahoo.com]
> --- On Mon, 12/29/08, John G. Rose <johnr...@polyplexic.com> wrote:
> > Agent knowledge is not only passed on in their
> > genes, it is also passed around to other agents.... Does agent death
> hinder
> > advances in intelligence or enhance it? And then would the
> intelligence
> > collected thus be applicable to the goal. And if so, consciousness
> may be
> > valuable.
> What does consciousness have to do with the rest of your argument?

Multi-agent systems should need individual consciousness to achieve advanced
levels of collective intelligence. So if you are programming a multi-agent
system, potentially a compressor, having consciousness in the agents could
have an intelligence amplifying effect instead of having non-conscious
agents. Or some sort of primitive consciousness component since higher level
consciousness has not really been programmed yet. 



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