"object perception" 

Identity is the abstraction that you are focusing your attention on.  
Habituation is stimulus specific and does not reduce the responsiveness for 
stimuli you are currently ignoring.  As such after habituation or eye movement 
new abstract interpretations to NAME an identity from previous learning is 
possible.   Consider the problem of figure/background.   The figure is the 
identity and the background provides a relativistic anchor to
judge the figure.  After habituation it is possible to see the background as 
the figure or identity and the old figure becomes a relativity background 
anchor.  Example:  opponent process illusions...

Meteor Crater Arizona flip upside down to become the Knob Arizona

The vase with a picture of King William and Queen Mary in it.  This vase plus 
pointillism art movement leads to TV.  The opponent image illustrate
how the mind is handling data.  It forms gaussian reciprocal identities which 
we call habituation which it uses for as wavelet filters for new incoming 
stimuli.  Technically speaking the brain is a holographic stimuli storing 
immune system.

To illustrate what can duplicated in a zero informational computational system 
lets add the two vases together but in reverse with a 1 % error.

Notice that information almost cancelled out completely and created a base zero 
or gray reference system. Information that does not cancel out is called novel 
and attracts our attention.  

Ron Blue
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Lehigh Carbon Community College

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