My response to Ben's paper is to be cautious about drawing conclusions from 
simulated environments. Human level AGI has an algorithmic complexity of 10^9 
bits (as estimated by Landauer). It is not possible to learn this much 
information from an environment that is less complex. If a baby AI did perform 
well in a simplified simulation of the world, it would not imply that the same 
system would work in the real world. It would be like training a language model 
on a simple, artificial language and then concluding that the system could be 
scaled up to learn English.

This is a lesson from my dissertation work in network intrusion anomaly 
detection. This was a machine learning task in which the system was trained on 
attack-free network traffic, and then identified anything out of the ordinary 
as malicious. For development and testing, we used the 1999 MIT-DARPA Lincoln 
Labs data set consisting of 5 weeks of synthetic network traffic with hundreds 
of labeled attacks. The test set developers took great care to make the data as 
realistic as possible. They collected statistics from real networks, built an 
isolated network of 4 real computers running different operating systems, and 
thousands of simulated computers that generated HTTP requests to public 
websites and mailing lists, and generated synthetic email using English word 
bigram frequencies, and other kinds of traffic.

In my work I discovered a simple algorithm that beat the best intrusion 
detection systems available at the time. I parsed network packets into 
individual 1-4 byte fields, recorded all the values that ever occurred at least 
once in training, and flagged any new value in the test data as suspicious, 
with a score inversely proportional to the size of the set of values observed 
in training and proportional to the time since the previous anomaly.

Not surprisingly, the simple algorithm failed on real network traffic. There 
were too many false alarms for it to be even remotely useful. The reason it 
worked on the synthetic traffic was that it was algorithmically simple compared 
to real traffic. For example, one of the most effective tests was the TTL 
value, a counter that decrements with each IP routing hop, intended to prevent 
routing loops. It turned out that most of the attacks were simulated from a 
machine that was one hop further away than the machines simulating normal 

A problem like that could have been fixed, but there were a dozen others that I 
found, and probably many that I didn't find. It's not that the test set 
developers weren't careful. They spent probably $1 million developing it 
(several people over 2 years). It's that you can't simulate the high complexity 
of thousands of computers and human users with anything less than that. Simple 
problems have simple solutions, but that's not AGI.

-- Matt Mahoney,

--- On Fri, 1/9/09, Ben Goertzel <> wrote:

> From: Ben Goertzel <>
> Subject: [agi] What Must a World Be That a Humanlike Intelligence May Develop 
> In It?
> To:
> Date: Friday, January 9, 2009, 5:58 PM
> Hi all,
> I intend to submit the following paper to JAGI shortly, but
> I figured
> I'd run it past you folks on this list first, and
> incorporate any
> useful feedback into the draft I submit
> This is an attempt to articulate a virtual world
> infrastructure that
> will be adequate for the development of human-level AGI
> Most of the paper is taken up by conceptual and
> requirements issues,
> but at the end specific world-design proposals are made.
> This complements my earlier paper on AGI Preschool.  It
> attempts to
> define what kind of underlying virtual world infrastructure
> an
> effective AGI preschool would minimally require.
> thx
> Ben G
> -- 
> Ben Goertzel, PhD
> CEO, Novamente LLC and Biomind LLC
> Director of Research, SIAI
> "I intend to live forever, or die trying."
> -- Groucho Marx

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