
> Since I can now get to the paper some further thoughts. Concepts that
> would seem hard to form in your world is organic growth and phase
> changes of materials. Also naive chemistry would seem to be somewhat
> important (cooking, dissolving materials, burning: these are things
> that a pre-schooler would come into contact more at home than in
> structured pre-school).

Actually, you could probably get plantlike growth using beads, via
methods similar to L-systems (used in graphics for simulating plant

Woody plants could be obtained using a combination of blocks and
beads, as well..

Phase changes would probably arise via phase transitions in bead
conglomerates, with the control parameters driven by changes in

However, naive chemistry would exist only in a far more primitive form
than in the real world, I'll have to admit.  This is just a
shortcoming of the BlocksNBeadsWorld, and I think it's an acceptable


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