root wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 4:59 PM, Ian Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I missed that bit when I skimmed the proto.  I agree that would
>> inflate too rapidly -- with the current score index, a player with no
>> points would win in four weeks without even doing anything.
> Er, "non-real score".  So the above is false, but a player with i
> points would win in three weeks.

No, e would go to -1 points and stay there.  In general, though,
even small complex scores would inflate way too quickly, e.g.

  (S = 0)  2+i -> 3+4i -> -7+24i -> -527-336i
  (S = 1)  2+i -> 4+4i ->  1+32i -> -1022+64i

A better analogue to the Mandelbrot set would scale the winning
condition down from 100 to 2, thus do something with P/50 and S*50,
but I'm having trouble figuring out how to tune it so it doesn't
pull too hard in one direction or the other.

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