On 24 Jun 2013, at 18:37, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
> This sort of three-fold action/house concept (Proposals, Voting, and
> Justice) with separate currencies was carried over into Cards, but
> I think over time, the paid systems have become more about buying
> general specific actions without organizing them into categories.

Wow! More complicated than I imagined. Thanks for writing that all out.

There's a nice symmetry between the three things players want to spend money on 
(proposal submission, expunging blots/rests, voting) and the three things we 
want to reward them for (proposal adoption, judging, recordkeeping). I dunno if 
there's something in that.

If I may ask another question, what facilitated all the trading? Contracts, or 
an auction/ trade offer system?

-- Walker

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