(Lindrum, for eir part, made clear from
the start that e intended to continue Nomic World as a nomic [albeit
in a different form], and did not attempt to kick out any players.)

Now this is interesting. So, let's see:

* Lindrum continued Nomic World as a nomic, albeit "in a different from"

* You are concerned that I might not return Agora to you at all.

Well now, really. If I did that, then you'd start another game.

If I pull a Lindrum, then I dictate to you what Agora will look like. If you go off and start another game, I don't.

If I pull a Lindrum, then Agora is formally continuous, in that the game played one day is the legal continuation of the game played on the previous day. If you start another game, there's a discontinuity. However, as we've seen, this continuity is rather illusory.

Not saying I'm doing either of these. But I fail to see why my behaviour can possibly be any worse than Lindrums (or your attempted invasion of Blognomic would have been, had you succeeded, as you mention).

A third option is, of course,

3) I take a trophy (or not), and return Agora to normal.

Agora is already a nomic, if there's a will to change...


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