On Sat, 3 Aug 2013, Fool wrote:
> * Lindrum continued Nomic World as a nomic, albeit "in a different from"

  Just for the historical record, what happened was, Lindrum claimed to
take power, and wrote a new ruleset.  Everyone pretty much thought
(takeover aside) that Lindrum's ruleset was better and fixed quite a few
things.  Lindrum made the moves as if the scam worked to "continuously"
  implement the new ruleset.  Players who never thought it worked made 
moves in their own version of reality to implement same.  Some players 
who thought the whole thing had broken made the meta game decision that
  they were restarting the game with that ruleset.

So they agreed to go on with Lindrum's new ruleset, but never came to
any consensus on what if any legal path got them there.  Of major importance
was that Geoff the wizard/mod set the auto systems to match the Lindrum
Ruleset, so that was the only version the MUD "supported".

So we may or may not be in the Post-Interim Phase of Lindrum World.

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