On Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 10:12 PM, Fool <fool1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> reasonably soon? If so, that would be reassuring, modulo other concerns;
> my main issue here is that unlike any other dictator I can remember, you
> have attempted to break the game without describing any such plan.

It means let the rest of us back in.

> Can someone tell me what that means? Setting aside the ratification thing,
> and _on the assumption that my action succeeded_, it's still not clear what
> to do about it.
> And yes, I have asked before. I'm asking again.
> For example, do we think Proposal 7564 is sufficient to plug the hole?
> Because I'm not getting what it's supposed to do.
> And I don't remember any other suggestions to plug the hole, though I might
> have missed something.
> -Dan

As the purported only player of Agora, presumably it is incumbent on
YOU to fix things. If you're asking for our help, let us play the game


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