On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 8:23 PM Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:

> On Tue, 22 May 2018, Aris Merchant wrote:
> > I'm going to suggest something that I've brought up before, which is a
> flat
> > cap on how long someone can be a zombie before they're deregistered. A
> lot
> > of the fun from zombies comes from them keeping the game dynamic. If
> zombie
> > auctions become a regular thing, we lose that. Unfortunately, the status
> > quo (zombies last forever) isn't terribly dynamic either, a fact that
> isn't
> > helped by the fact that zombies can't be transferred. So, I suggest
> placing
> > a limit (possibly 1) on the number of times a zombie can be auctioned
> > before being deregistered, and making zombies a transferable asset.
> I personally disagree, but since Corona suggested something similar (having
> zombie quantities vary) I'll go with it.  I don't like the idea of zombies
> expiring while they're owned - as Registrar it makes auctions time-critical
> if I've got an "expiring" zombie on my hands.  Would "deregister after
> being
> returned to Agora after their 2nd auction" be ok?  (assuming ownership
> expires
> without renewal as per my outline).

> I appreciate your willingness to compromise. Yes, that sounds very
reasonable. The assets bit is somewhat tangential, and while I think it
would be interesting, I'm not sure whether or not it fits into your nerf.



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