On Wed, Aug 31, 2022 at 9:40 AM Sarah S. <sarahestran...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 31, 2022 at 3:32 AM Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion <
> agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
>> On 8/30/2022 9:25 AM, ais523 via agora-discussion wrote:
>> > On Tue, 2022-08-30 at 18:14 +0200, Madrid via agora-discussion wrote:
>> >> Its true that I don't care much about upholding ancient tradition.
>> >>
>> >> It's nomic, a game of change, and I'm very willing to see Spivak
>> >> removed.
>> [snip]
>> > I probably wouldn't object to a widespread change to singular-they if
>> > the general view of the playerlist is that that would be preferable,
>> > but it would be likely to add a little extra confusion for no real
>> > benefit (the distinction between singular "e" and plural "they" makes
>> > it easier to parse what a rule is saying).
>> >
>> Just as a minor clarification, I'm not arguing for Spivak per se based on
>> "ancient tradition" but more along the lines you suggest here, of
>> evaluating our community standards continuously but generally
>> respectfully.  The important point for me is that this is not just an
>> isolated quibble over a single instance of language use (and a single
>> unfortunate comparison), but rather an inability to reach a reasonable
>> accommodation with the current community's longstanding/currently-standing
>> practices.
>> That stuff is just exhausting and not fun in any gaming group, beyond any
>> historical points or future changes.
>> -G.
>> I personally support spivak - any change to referring to players always
> by the singular 'they' would probably offend me - I'm not a they, I'm a
> she. E/em pronouns, as something that are generally confined within the
> game, don't annoy me in the same way that 'they' would and I enjoy our odd
> little game pronouns. That said, Agora Is A Nomic and people are free to
> advocate changing to the use of preferred pronouns if they like - this
> doesn't bother me particularly much when Madrid does it. I too find them
> odd to adapt to (and get them wrong quite often), and blognomic did start
> with spivak then abolish them many years ago. And yes, I do think
> traditions ought to be questioned - a substantial majority of the player
> base is newer and if they choose to revise something that doesn't work for
> them, they should do so.
> What bothers me rather more is Madrid's attitude to trans people and women
> expressed on discord, which I think is quite consistently discriminatory. E
> has also made remarks about racial differences (deleted by moderator) which
> in my view were discriminatory. To be clear, I don't remotely feel
> emotionally threatened by Madrid, nor do I feel like e
> personally discriminates against or devalues other players including myself
> - which is why I don't want to ban em. E is, perhaps unfortunately, quite
> good at confining these conversations to the abstract. But I do want to
> make it clear that I think women ought not be needlessly sexualised, trans
> people should be accomodated, and ideologies that approach 'race-realism'
> are pernicious and entirely beyond the pale. These are sentences that I
> wouldn't think I would have to type to the agora nomic email server of all
> places, but I want to make what I think clear. I think it would be quite
> appropriate for agora as a whole to affirm in the rules that we are a
> diverse place and will always welcome anyone from any minority group. This
> is the sort of social norm I believe it would be appropriate to crystallise
> and enshrine for all time.

Upon reflection I probably shouldn't have sent this email, except perhaps
the last two sentences. It is adding fuel that certainly didn't need to be

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