LAST WEEK IN AGORA: 14-20 June 2021
Agoran Press Weekly Report

# Summary

The rush of proposals from the economy reset continues! Many of them are being passed, including a victory proposal by Aris and a group of secret proposals by ATMunn.

Four wins achieved through four different methods find their way into the Scroll of Agora, and Aris becomes Speaker. There's also a good amount of uncertainty regarding the Prime Minister thanks to a seemingly-failed deputisation and election. We also see R. Lee deputise for Referee and quickly assert themselves in the role.

With the economy having just been reset, many players are working to gather up resources. Of particular note is Cuddlebeam, who is pushing very hard to amass Victory Cards as quickly as possible. Will we have an early economic win?

G. resigns Arbitor to take a summer break from the game. Thank you for your hard work, especially with the CFJ archives!

Lastly, we see trouble on IRC with the death of freenode and Agora looking to put together a replacement on More news as this story develops.

# New players

* Telna rejoins Agora, having last participated in 2020.

* surprise joins Agora for the first time - welcome!

# Proposals

* It's been a busy time for proposals! The recent economic reset has led to many players cashing in their pendants, leading to two very proposal-heavy weeks.

* Passed proposals that took effect last week include:

  * Automatic quarterly election cycles for Officers

* The Discord server at becoming an official Discussion forum

* No more automatic co-authorship for proposal penders (sorry, Lime Ribbon chasers!)

  * Aris bribing eir way to victory

* Proposals currently being voted on include:

  * Allowing Silver Quills to be awarded to proposal co-authors

  * Adding a delay to stone-based win resets

  * Giving players eir Grants on an economic reset

* Four secret proposals from ATMunn using SHA hashes to keep the contents private (for now)

  * Plus a LOT of bugfixes and clarity proposals.

* With the economy reset, there have been NO new proposals submitted! This Reportor looks forward to seeing what players will be using the saved Pendants on.

# Victory and culture

* Many wins that were earned over the past month were this week awarded places in the Scroll of Agora:

* Falsifican wins through collecting 5 stones, and again through Economic Takeover (having triggered our second economic reset under the current system).

* Gaelan wins through Paradox, thanks to CFJ 3907 and a missing protection on pledges.

* Aris wins through old-fashioned bribery, pushing through a proposal that awarded Black Ribbons to its supporters.

* Additionally, the 2020 Silver Quills were awarded to nix for creating Card Sets and Aris for Buoyancy, together forming the most engaging economy Agora has seen in many years.

# Economics

* As it is the beginning of a new economy, many Card trades have been taking place as players aim to collect sets reflecting eir priorities.

* Most active here by far has been Cuddlebeam, who has been cashing in many promises and creating several contracts to gather Victory Cards at a rapid pace. Falsifican, ATMunn, and Jason have been reviving and debugging the Obstructive Pooling contract as a response - will they succeed in preventing the rushed victory?

* The monthly stone auction concluded, with two stones going to G. and one to Jason for a total cost of 630 coins.

# Justice

* ATMunn picked up two blots for Tardiness on eir Notary report due to a month-old self-finger-point.

* Trigon picked up two blots for missing the Unit of Flotation on eir Treasuror reports.

* Telna was warned for Unjustified Gesticulation - An initial intent to Indict for two blots was lodged (due to Telna pointing the finger at emself in order to chase Justice Cards), but 1.5 Agoran Consent was not obtained.

# The judiciary

* Cases judged last week include:

* CFJ 3910 - lacking specific instruction, text appended to a rule inherits its formatting from the proposal appending it.

* CFJs 3913/3914 - Buying Strength when blotted does not bypass the voting strength limitations

* CFJ 3916 - petitions must be directed at a specific office, not just a person who happens to be an officer

* CFJ 3917 - a failed appeal of Trigon's sentence re: tracking the Unit of Flotation

* Currently open cases include:

* CFJ 3915 - performing fee-based actions without specifying intent to pay the fee

# Offices

* R. Lee picked up the office of Referee from Gaelan through deputisation. Let justice be done once again!

* Aris becomes Speaker as the most recent winner.

* An election is ongoing for the office of Prime Minister! There's been a lot of confusion here as G. initially attempted to deputise for PM and initiate an election, but that deputisation appears to have failed. Nonetheless, the gamestate was converged to ensure the election is taking place all the same.

* G. resigns Arbitor, leaving the office vacant. If you are interested in taking up the role, now is your opportunity to deputise!

# Contracts

* Cuddlebeam and Jumble arrange a contract to puppet one another for the purpose of pooling Victory Cards.

* R. Lee opens a card shop, looking to sell eir cards in exchange for coins.

* A contract cleanup rule comes into force, and the Notary makes use of it to remove eleven expired contracts.

# Miscellaneous

* Freenode has run into severe management difficulties and appears to be relaunching from scratch. The ##nomic forum has been set to Foreign for the time being, with the intent to make a corresponding Discussion channel once things stabilise. (BUS: [Registrar] IRC Forum Change)

* The Ministor's random Legacy Grant REALLY wanted to award a Victory Card to Falsifican. (OFF: [Ministor] Legacy Grant)

* A brief panic over whether Rule 2221 "Cleanliness and Tidy Filing" functions at all - thankfully it does! (BUS: Cleaning Up a Typo)

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