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Below is the report for the week of 2021-01-18..24:

# Summary

Welcome to our newest player, Slam_Joe_Jr_Supreme! And congratulations
to JTAC, our new and enthusiastic Referee.


Congratulations to Cuddlebeam for the first to win with Victory Points
since the economy was set up in June last year. E won with a
combination of small exchanges with other players involving Victory
Cards, Coins and the Concentration Stone, combined with an apparent
deal with G. for eir Victory stash in exchange for a White ribbon.

Cuddlebeam's would have been only the second victory if a dramatic scam
attempt in June (shortly after the rules were enacted) had succeeded.

All Card and Product holdings are reset after a Victory Point victory,
and the markets wasted no time moving the newly allocated goods around.
Players happily started selling Victory Cards to Cuddlebeam again, and
ATMunn took the novel approach of auctioning off eir four newly
minted Cards.


G., our beloved Dictator by Rulebending, used eir power to correct an
accounting error, and submitted a proposal to end eir own rule.


There's a lot going on with Proposals. Aris continues to refine eir new
Personhood definition --- it needs to be just right, and it looks like
Aris is up to the task! Nix proposes to give Extra Votes more of a
kick; people haven't been using them much. The Referee's special
priviledge of Summary Judgement looks to be its way out; instead,
arbitrary punishment might be open to anyone for a fee of two
Blot-B-Gones. And Karma's gone and zombies aren't long for this world.
Phew! That's not even the full list of proposals that were voted on or


This week, G. and Cuddlebeam claim to tell lies, Cuddlebeam tries to
arrange to have done stuff now in the future, and more in the "Rule
questions and strange behaviour" section.

# Players

* Slam_Joe_Jr_Supreme joins the game. (Joe for short.)

# Victory and economic reset

* Cuddlebeam wins with Victory Points (e Takes Over the Economy) after
  doing a bunch of trading with other players, and with the help of G.

  * E buys victory cards by granting trade promises to players who own
    them: generally new and less active players.

  * G. transfers all eir Victory Cards and Victory Points to Cuddlebeam
    (and uses up eir Blot-B-Gones in the same message). Cuddlebeam
    rewards G. with a White Ribbon. Threads: "Amnesty, and spend em
    while you got em.", "humble agoran farmer thanks their partner"

  * Some of the transfers failed because CuddleBeam had eir assets
    stored in eir "locker" contract. E still probably at least got the
    Concentration Stone; Jason points out ATMunn transferred it

  * Thread with victory message: "humble agoran farmer NUKES THE ECONOMY".

  * Other related threads: "humble agoran farmer does business",
    "humble agoran farmer does more business", "backroom dealings with
    a humble agoran farmer", "humble agoran farmer does even more
    business", "humble agoran farmer believes in safety"

  * The Prime Minister appoints em Speaker. Thread: "[PM] New Speaker"

* People sell more Victory Cards to Cuddlebeam after eir victory. Threads:
  "Buying a Legislative Card", "Learning nothing from history", "humble agoran
  farmer trades with Jason"

* ATMunn creates a contract to auction off eir newly granted Cards.
  Threads: "friendly neighborhood notary sells eir belongings", "I want

# Voting and elections

* The Referee election ends, with JTAC elected. Threads: "[ADoP] Voting
  for Referee", "[ADoP] Resolution of Referee election"

* Voting begins on Proposals 8530 and 8531.

  * 8530 repeals Agora's Karma system (Rule 2510).

    * Repealing Karma has been proposed at least twice in this
      Reportor's memory: in April 2019, during a period when many
      officers were empty; and then once again somewhat more recently,
      because it wasn't being used much.

  * 8531 allows former persons to hold Patent Titles, and restores
    titles to any such who lost them. (The definition of "person"
    sometimes changes.)

# Rule questions and strange behaviour

* Cuddlebeam tries taking advantage of potential future changes in the
  game by writing messages that do nothing now but may later have been
  considered to have done something. Thread: "humble agoran farmer
  greets Nietzsche"

* Can ID numbers actually be assigned to rules? Thread: "[CFJ] Rule

* Lies:

  * G. tells an obvious lie and purports to intend to mislead us all.
    Perhaps e is implying a question: did e violate Rule 2471 (No

  * Later, Cuddlebeam says "This statement is a lie and I intend to
    mislead with it." and calls a CFJ about violating Rule 2471. There
    is discussion, and G. calls (and withdraws) a CFJ on whether
    Cuddlebeam misled us by claiming e was intending to mislead us.
    Thread: "humble agoran farmer plays russian roulette with GOD"

* Aris and Jason try to use a promise with a cashing condition based on
  the use of the promise succeeding. ais523 points out it's close to
  being a paradox and so might not work. (Aris and Jason converge the
  game state by doing the trade if it didn't work.) Thread:

* Jason mysteriously announces "I consent.", then takes it back.
  There's a brief exchange speculating about what e consented to.
  Thread: "Hopefully not a mosuetrap"

# Dictatorship

G. currently rules us via Rulebending.

* G. corrects an earlier accounting error using eir powers. Thread:
  "(@Treasuror) [Emergency] unfinished business"

* G. submits and pends a new version of eir proposal to repeal the
  Rulebending which enables eir dictatorship and fix related problems.
  This time e includes an addition to the Royal Parade. Thread:
  "proposal: de-dictatorship"

# Proposals

* Justice:

  * Aris submits drafts then a proposal to remove Summary Judgement,
    describing it as overpowered and rarely used. Threads: "[Proto]
    Justice for All", "[Proposal] Justice for All"

  * G. submits a proposal that allows paying to give other players
    blots. Thread: "[proposal] unofficial injustice"

* Jason drafts a proposal that strengthens Festivals by making
  non-festive players ineligible to support or object to emergency
  regulations or impeachments. Thread: "[proto] Festival strengthening"

* Aris submits versions of eir proposal to redefine "person". There's
  discussion on getting the definition right; in particular, ruling out
  current-technology computer programs. Aris publishes some
  "Interpretive Notes" with the last version. Threads: "[Proto] We the
  People", "[Proposal] We the People", "Interpretive Notes for We the
  People", "[Proposal] We the People (redux)"

* G. submits revised versions of eir proposal to replace the zombie
  rules. Thread: "third level Turn Undead"

  * There's some discussion about a requirement to send deregistration
    intents to a player's email address: can we tell whether it was
    done? G. replaces the requirement with a SHOULD, and allows the
    deregistration to be blocked with three objections, in eir final(?)
    version "Turn Undead v2".

* nix submits (and revises, after discussion) a proposal to change the
  way Extra Votes work: now they would apply to all decisions with
  ongoing voting periods; the limit of 3 strength-buyings is removed;
  and there would be a prize for highest voting strength. Thread:
  "[Proposal] Strengthening Extra Votes"

* Aris submits a proposal to adjust the power levels of some high-power
  rules. Thread: "[Proposal] Power Up"

# Miscellaneous

* Aris submits some historical corrections to the Herald. Thread:
  "Correcting Our History"

* Ubercrow, recently joined, tries to deputise for Tailor, recently
  vacated, but fails to say e's deputizing. Thread: "Ubercrow: Tailor's
  Weekly Glitter Report"

* Jason disolves the AAA contract. Thread: "[AAA] Dissolution"

* Aris donates a pendant to JTAC since "e's had a lot of good ideas".
  Thread: "A Gift for JTAC"


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